
The song is fine, and his other stuff is pretty good, but it's hardly surprising that he didn't make any money off of the meme. Who thought all the yahoos that were posting their stupid videos were licensing his song? Who thought anyone was licensing his song?

What about experience with drinking beer like a goddamn adult? And by that I mean drinking an entire six pack until you fall asleep on the couch crying.

Surprisingly, no one in Tuscaloosa seems to think it's funny that The Crimson Tide sounds like a euphemism for menstruation.

Yes, but usually when I say something incredibly stupid it's my own personal doing and usually extemporaneous. Obviously this video took more than one person to make, and took a fair amount of time. You'd think at some point someone would be like… woah… wait, this isn't funny at all.

Let me guess @avclub-beac60e274e63c64612fdcff2058af27:disqus , this is your first job.

Neither: Albeenee. Precisely, according to Wikipedia /ælˈbiːni/


Jeez, just mention vinyl on here and people loose their shit. Some people like to listen to music on vinyl. Some people just like to collect it. Calm down, everything doesn't have to be so goddamn utilitarian.

You mean the original mixes? Because I think you should be able to find those pretty easily.

Well, to be fair, a lot of suicidal people do that. I think it's sort of a defense mechanism/cry for help, wherein you sort of joke about it to see people's reactions. But, of course, that's 'normal' depressed people, not someone who's constantly in the spotlight. Who knows what his reasoning was.

He doesn't sound like everybody's dad, he sounds like a 20 year-old. Nothing new is good, man! I can't believe there isn't any good music at all! All new music is commercial pop!

The typo is very amusing, but the verb tense disagreement is really bothering me. In the future, when you make a typo, please make sure that it's grammatically correct.

I saw them in Tuscaloosa, I discovered that Alabamians can't hold their liquor. The music was fine.

I wrote for them once, but it was just for the track reviews. They didn't pay me anything. They published one of my reviews and then told me I "wasn't ready", which was (and is) true, but it's one of those I got fired from a volunteer position things.

That's what happened with Garfield, after all.

"When you walk out the door, you'll come back for more"

I would love it if every appearance by her was treated this way. She'll just be completely scrubbed from the cultural memory and our grandchildren will ask, "So Foghorn Leghorn was a real person" and you'll say, "Yes, it was an animated racist chicken that roamed the earth for a terrifying decade or so. No one knows

Oh man. Peasant Magik. I just recently ordered the Spiral Joy Band thing from him and it took FOREVER. He was nice enough to include three free LPs, but that guy's head isn't in that label anymore. Which is too bad, because that 6 cassette box set that's been in the works sounded great.

I'm a big fan of cassette releases and even I say: fuck this shit.

Hey @avclub-6258e285eeb51b21d01ffe9cb9f9c1d1:disqus that's what I'm doing too! Are you me?