
You hate them because Win Butler is kind of an asshole. All the other problems kind of stem from him being an asshole (or at least steam from his asshole). That's my theory anyway.

I think their chemistry really sells it. Lee Pace's slight smarminess and Tracie Thoms intrigued horror really make it work, and elevate it beyond the simple tertiary characters getting together that it is. In fact, I liked it so much it never occurred to me that it was kind of lame.

The girly Johnny Depp is John Wayne with barbed wire for chest hair.

It's just they're terribly comfortable, I think everyone will be wearing them in the future.

Yes! Exactly. I mean that's Meat Loaf in a nutshell, isn't it? From The Rocky Horror Picture Show on. It's so ludicrous and absolutely wonderful.

That cat sweatshirt looks like the cover of Carcass' Reek of Putrefaction.

That raccoon doesn't seem particularly affectionate towards the cat, in fact the raccoon kind of looks like he's somehow trapped by the cat. It's nice to see, however, that as per usual, the cat does not give a fuck.

I wonder if whoever organized this sent a survey out to the school asking people who they would want in a video montage, and all the slackers decided to fuck with the school and organize people to vote for Nirvana.

That guy's been waiting for a pulse for ten minutes. Still nothing.

Huh. I didn't get that from that movie at all. I suppose it's all relative though…

The artwork, while cheeky, just makes my want to listen to "Heroes" instead.

I don't know, the long tail, for me has been somewhat disappointing too. That's probably because I've been struggling at where to look for new cassette artists since Stunned went under. And now other go to labels, like Avant Archive, Sweat Lodge Guru, and Auris Apothecary have significantly slowed their output. I am

He's not saying he failed to domesticate her, he's saying someone else failed to domesticate her. He is, however, saying that he can liberate her, as if she can't do it herself.

You seem to be confusing the VMAs with social injustice.

This just makes me wish Rob Halford was available to do it… especially if he was available to do it about 30 years ago.

I think Barnes whimsied himself out with Coquelicot Asleep in the Poppies. Ever since then he's been about as whimsical as a car crash. A J. G. Ballard car crash.

I like the Ghostbuster in the first picture.

I'm sure they'll have a dozen copies.

For some reason I always get Mark Knopfler and Mark Kozelek confused. Probably because I don't really care about Mark Knopfler or Dire Straits, but can't for the life of me remember 'Kozelek' so I just substitute Knopfler in there.