
I know I'm a week late on this, but I recently too a vacation in Chattanooga, TN, of all places, and I can confirm that there are a surprising number of hipsters there.

Bri is a deflated Cece from New Girl.

Shitty Christian… is it any good?
It sucks.
Then it's not just a clever genre name.

Did anyone else read that as 'we can trust his opium'?

I wonder if they'll actually release the audio from the tapes. I'm not particularly interested in reading Orson Welles talk shit, but I would love to hear the authoritative and dulcet ones of his shit talking.

That is an amazing idea!

@avclub-da8ce7c1058c54bddb22518a53451a2d:disqus Oh… oh dear. Well okay, no one's used Sister Ray yet, have they?

I don't really understand why people are so shocked that a cruise line would use Lust for Life. Sure,  when you sit down and listen to the lyrics the song is quite clearly about destitution, stagnation, drug use, and delusion, but it's masked within a willfully catchy tune. And the campaign didn't use the whole song,

When you were saying racks, @Dikachu:disqus I was thinking boobs. Then I giggled.

I can't tell you how long it took me to realize that.

Massive Attack had a DVD called Eleven promos that was packaged in a clear DVD case with no insert, if that's what you're thinking of.

You could hit the download thing on the embedded SoundCloud player.

Did you know that, in Israel The Count (full name, Count von Count in English) is Mar Sofer, or Mr. Counter? I find it kind of sad that he doesn't have a title of nobility in Israel.

'mildly genius if unoriginal' is pretty much exactly how I feel about Kanye.

That doesn't make any sense. They already had different artwork, and the only thing that would need to be pressed is the CD. Also, the back has the track listing and credits, presumably printed on a clear insert, so obviously the track listing had been nailed down long enough ago that they could print those up.

Yeah, I'm a bit baffled by that. The images I saw before looked like a melted bit of metal on tin foil, which tremendously ugly. I mean, I get that a blank CD case seems subversive or punk or whatever, though the sentiment isn't particularly novel. I mean Mos Def essentially did it 2006, and Francisco Lopez has

He doesn't get paid, he just wanders into random studios and falls asleep on the couch.

It's not as funny, but it's sort of the same level of disturbing.

@avclub-6eff75e7ea1e4eaecc24df1ca043de61:disqus If you want to call it "self-censorship in response to pressure" that's fine, but I'd like to call that shame and taking personal responsibility for the consequences of your speech.

@avclub-dd8edf4a5413b7b70fdad591e034ad58:disqus Do people really find it that difficult to avoid music they don't enjoy? I mean, I go out to plenty of places that play pop music over the loud speaker, and I have probably heard Never getting back together once, the whole way through… and I'm pretty sure that was