
Possibly the same thing, if you use it right.

He seems incredibly pleasant. Like, he's the type of person who, if you met him in a group of people, he would say some nice things throughout the night, and perhaps be somewhat amusing, and then at the end, while you drove home, you would say to your significant other, 'Well, that Fred seems nice.' and your

Thanks HipsterDBag, you should write a nationally syndicated column about crawlspaces.

Can I ask something about John Wayne Gacy's crawlspace? At some point in my life I got it into my head that John Wayne Gacy kept the severed penises of his victims in a cigar box in his crawlspace, but I have never heard anything about it before or since. I just sort of took it as fact until a couple years ago when I

@ZZZ Yes, but they're docked pay.

I think Beck should do a follow up to his Harry Partch

I just started reading Inherent Vice after hearing about the casting and whatnot. I was having a very difficult time trying to picture Joaquin Phoenix as the main character. However, my immediate reaction after looking at that picture was, Oh. Yeah, that'll do.

@avclub-c1fe85b855c6d045b827f74a1e2c3fd7:disqus The opening sequences of Star Wars feature some an amazing marriage of model design, special effects, costume design, and editing. It creates incredibly efficient storytelling. In just a few seconds you see a tiny spaceship fleeing an enormous one, and you know who the

I mean, you can say that now, but it's not like he handed him a plot outline, he handed him a script, a script dense with something about a rebellion and an empire and something called Jedis and Jawas and droids and who knows what else.

I hadn't heard that aspect before. I just looked it up. It wouldn't really surprise me if it was true, though it wouldn't surprise me if it wasn't. Fascinating, conflicted country/region you've got over there.

Re: Felix von Luckner, I encountered him when I was withdrawing unused books from the first library I worked at. There was a frontispiece of him, pipe clamped in mouth, pointing off into the distance with his rather goofy giant visage. The caption read 'The Sea Devil' and I could not help but be intrigued. His

Oh, okay. I can see that. I don't know enough about German history to discuss these types of things at any length. I feel like I have this weird spattering of opinions that I've picked up from things like Mann's fiction (Death in Venice, Magic Mountain), as much as I could read of Man Without Qualities before I got

@avclub-578e8fa3ff67e364550447d75dce678d:disqus Wait, what's wrong with Doktor Faustus? I remember reading that book, sort of enjoying it, but realizing that it was basically entirely over my head. But Mann's politics don't strike me as troublesome in the same way as what you're saying about Reitz.

I've tried watching the first one, and I found the first episode to be pretty entertaining, but the only available version in Region 1 is a terrible VHS to DVD dump.

Juno was great. I actually like their second album, 'A future lived in past tense' better despite it being more overblown. That's probably because I heard it first, and it entered my life at a particularly sympathetic time in my life. As these things are wont to do.


Even though I'm 32, I still take some pleasure in the fact that I can just go ahead and eat a whole bag of Whoppers for breakfast. Take that Mom and Dad!

Honestly, it hasn't really been going that great. Let's just go ahead and restart it.

In Rod we trust

Oh hey, look at that. That's a much less ridiculous object of attention.