
There are other parts that are black, you just can't see them.

They're Ents.

Oh. I guess I don't really see this project as having much to do with vinyl as a format. The impetus for both this and the 3D printed record are to experiment with sound molded in a physical shape. The fact that that sound is then produced through a turntable stylus has more to do with the simple fact that the stylus


Bubs being bemused by indie rock is great. "I ju—- I'm not a fan of David Bowie"

That is a fortuitous fuck up, though I'm guess it was astonishingly confusing for the first few seconds… why… this isn't funny at all!

Romeo ∪ Juliet

Well that's because the whole Flaming Lips thing was part of that never ending barrage of stunt releases. 2011 was just a flood of Flaming Lips craziness, and I think everyone got burnt out pretty quickly.

Well, it's not a six hour song, it's the same song played over and over again for six hours, at least that's the impression I get, though there seems to be some conflicting reports. In that way, putting side breaks in the song breaks seems reasonable.

No, I think what happened was I saw The Samurai in the list of published books, but couldn't find it at my library, so I just went with the next available title.

I started reading it when I was trying to read as many New Directions Classics as possible. Which is weird, because it's not part of that series from what I can tell…

I know he's had several wives, and, in fact, has reproduced, but I feel like Scorsese is largely an asexual creature. Except for film. He loves the fuck out of film.

I don't know, that guy's track record is pretty poor.

The Alice books are it for me. After I finished it the first time everything paled in comparison.

Can I just point out that that's rather obnoxious? The rest of the episodes are on Hulu, and I can (or could at some point) stream them for free, but, now, for some reason, I have to buy this one? Because people might find it offensive, I have to buy it.

You can, however, search Thr!!!er with relevant results. Trying to find them when they only had a self titled debut was a bit of a pain, though.

For some reason I love hate commenting on Amanda Palmer. It's like she's the Platonic Ideal of the alternative theatrical high school girl. In that respect, it's not really that I'm hate commenting her, it's more that I'm hate commenting my 14 year old self's misplaced intrigue.

If he hasn't, I doubt that this would make him care about it.