
It's her mouth that kills it.

Amanda Palmer keeps sending me ads for jobs that require 5-6 years of experience. "This looks interesting!" her emails say, "It never hurts to try!"

No, I don't know that GIF, but I am now interested in it. However, I'm not interested in scrolling through dozens of pictures of that obnoxious woman in a vain attempt to find it (which, by the way, I just did). So if you could be so kind as to link to it, I would really appreciate it.

The best part of that episode is how pleased George is when Jerry says "they're IN to it."

It's not the side effects of the cocaine.

I was going to say ::has abortion::, but I thought that might be too much for the 2 people in the comments hear who wouldn't get the reference.

That's disgusting!

I was going to link to a Dead Voices on Air track called 'Bored of Canada,' but when I went to search for it on YouTube about a million Deadmau5 tracks came up instead. I had not realized that there was another song with that name…

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Disintegration is my go to traumatized album. It makes me step back and say, well, Christ I'm not that sad.

You can have all this modern aleatoric bullshit, Thurston, I never liked it anyway.

I would feel bad if Jim O'Rourke had a girlfriend who cheated on him with Thurston Moore. But then again, for some reason I don't think Jim O'Rourke would care. I don't know why, he just strikes me as the type of dude who would be too busy doing something else. "Honey, I'm leaving. I've fallen in love with Thurston

Ugh, that SACD version is the biggest offender in my mind. It's nice to hear Storm discuss it, and the concept behind it is solid, I just think it's ugly and unnecessary. I think part of the idea, however, is a recognition that the smaller format that a CD case necessitates a different approach to the design. When you

I don't think it's that book, which looks to be a sort of coffee table book of art, but I remember reading a book about Hipgnosis itself (I believe it was For the love of vinyl), that was revelatory to me in terms of marrying concept with design. I had always enjoyed the idea of graphic design, but the concepts

That is exactly how I picture him. I could never put it into words, but yes, put those entities in a blender and you've got what Tom Bodet sounds like.

Sometimes the limericks are slightly difficult, but only slightly. It's just painful when a contestant just doesn't get it, though. Especially because it's obvious that everyone on the stage is just dumbfounded as to how they could be so dense. Sagal practically begs them to reconsider their idiotically wrong answers,

I rather enjoyed the Not My Job with John Mellencamp. I forgot what his quiz was, but he totally bombed it. When Carl reported the score and sad that sadly, the listener would not be getting Carl's voice on her home answering machine, Mellencamp was just like, "Well to hell with it, I'll do it my damn self then."

You know… I know this shouldn't be the case but… I just can't take Ozzy seriously anymore.

Vinyl doesn't sound anything like balls, even in a metaphorical sense.

The Black Keys had an excellent debut album that was released in 2002. Even Thickfreakness was released in 2003. What are you talking about?

In @conditionals:disqus story, I would like to picture Har Mar Superstar appearing in a plume of smoke on stage wearing Wile E. Coyote's Acme Batman suit.