
It would be great if he only released this on Reel-to-Reel.

Timberlake could probably do some Burning Witch style vocals.

Oh yeah, I'm very familiar with that process of circuitously arriving at the simplest approach.

Apparently it's a new font by the design company who also, apparently, put a lot of thought and work into essentially just saying fuck it let's just put a block over the cover of "Heroes": http://virusfonts.com/news/…

Maybe it's a doom metal album.

He has the exact same birthday as me and is therefore a constant reminder of how little I've accomplished so far in my life.

I wish I could find it, but there was a Far Side strip with six panels, the first four had ducks quacking, the penultimate had a duck yelling "Goose!" and the last panel had all the ducks ducking as a goose flew by. The caption, "'Do you ever run out of ideas?' asked the interviewer. 'Sometimes,' replied the

Yeah, "Heaven or Las Vegas" and "If I can't go to Heaven then I'll go to L.A." are pretty distinct sentiments.

I wasn't much of a Spencer Krug fan, though I started to warm up to him through my Carey Mercer, crush, that is, specifically, through the second Swan Lake LP. Once I heard the first Moonface EP, I was very much into Krug. The first Moonface album, was a slight letdown, Fast Peter was great, but the rest was just sort

It's just another part of Trent Reznor's long tradition of reminding people of superior things.

@avclub-02826839d3ba0147c556e72553e00785:disqus I really enjoyed that joke when I first heard it. "It's a joke about cannibalism, cunnilingus, AND possibly pot brownies," I said to myself, "It works on so many levels!"

She hasn't really gotten much coverage on this website (if any coverage at all), but I'd just like to say that Angel Olsen is pretty fantastic. I haven't seen her in concert so I have no idea how her show would be, but people should pick up Half Way Home. It's nice and pleasant.

You can complain about how uncool this show is all you want, but I will readily and enthusiastically admit the Richard Simmons segment had me nearly pooping my pants with stomach agitating laughter the first time I saw it.

I would like to submit for consideration that those ads were far more titillating than the videos turned out to be. The ads had a lot of momentum and edited a vast quantity of (censored) boob shots into a short period of time. The videos, on the other hand, had this huge amount of disturbing footage of the film crew

While I would agree that it wasn't particularly romantic, I think the point was more that this guy didn't need to do that, considering it was an arranged marriage, and that he at least cared enough about her that he realized that a more western style proposal was something that she really wanted.

I don't understand why they're called Alt-J. There's a perfectly good way of pronouncing Δ: Delta.

I saw them in Milwaukee and it was freakin' fantastic. Songs to satisfy the Talking Heads fans, David Byrne fans, the St. Vincent fans, fans of the album. Also, a hell of a lot of fun.

I refuse to believe that we would have a President in 2016 named Jeb.

So it's kind of like Passion of the Christ?

Is that a shadow, or is it a reflection of her shadowed side?