
Torcha, Torcha, Torcha, Torch me!

She has an incredibly attractive smile.

There seems to be an unusually high amount of 'albeit' in this review.

Oh, okay that makes sense. I was incredibly confused by that comment for awhile. Granted even in your car I really can't imagine that there would be no radio option in New York that wouldn't play the Black Eyed Peas, but I can kind of get what he's saying now.

I can honestly say that it never occurred to me while watching the first Clerks that I would ever feel the need to learn more about the characters than what the movie already supplied me with.

I assume you mean "Steal My Sunshine"? I just watched a small portion of it, and for some reason I remember the song being a lot more bouncy than it actually is. Maybe it's because I'm listening to Squarepusher right now, but it sounds like the beat fell asleep.

I would agree with that, except for Thomas' foreboding "You know why…" when Jimmy asked him why he was following him.

I had a dream last night that involved a the entire staff attacking Lord Grantham, wherein he slaughtered all of them with various deadly and anachronistic implements (he also just straight up snapped Bates' neck). Unfortunately, after Grantham had killed them, they all came back to life as growling zombies, and the

I had a dream last night that involved a the entire staff attacking Lord Grantham, wherein he slaughtered all of them with various deadly and anachronistic implements (he also just straight up snapped Bates' neck). Unfortunately, after Grantham had killed them, they all came back to life as growling zombies, and the

They should've gone the Lucas route, and just chopped him in half like Darth Maul.

Holy crap, @avclub-525f76574b3a2a5bcb4da793c92a16fb:disqus , that is so right.

David Bowie's a Buddhist, he doesn't give a shit about anything. Just look at the cover for his new album.

Wait a minute, are you in Low?

There were numerous rational reasons to not fight in Vietnam and they were all over the political spectrum. However, "too busy rockin' and rollin'" has to have been one of the less compelling of reasons.

Nugent did that? I thought that was Stephen Tyler. Or was that both.

I use "Blathering Blatherskite" if I need to mark up points in a document with a unique string of characters for later transformation. I realize that there's much easier unique strings, but I feel it's a fitting tribute to one of my favorite shows.

That's my point, though, it's not the fact that they're asking for your cash, it's the fact that they're asking for your cash like Ron Popeil asks for your cash.

Man, religions ask for cash all the time. It takes money to run organizations, religious or otherwise.

I don't know. I found Lord Grantham's blase attitude towards Thomas to be rather far fetched and convenient. I mean, not only does he let Thomas hang around, but he straight up perjures himself when the cops come around.

That's such a sad line. Like, I get that you're talking about the success of Beats, but, come on Dre, you're just shilling them at this point.