
I always heard the line as "My nightgown sweeps the pavement cleaaaaaaaase, don't let him die." Which is to say, that she merges 'clean' and 'please' together; an impressive and interesting way of singing those two lines.

Is it a good omen that this came out on my wedding day? Yes, I think it is.

@avclub-d9f0631b8c4e5536f5f68506f0e617ff:disqus I think a major part the seeming contradiction you pointed out is that, for Shakespeare, all we really have is the dialogue. The extant versions of Shakespearean plays that we have, much like his contemporaries, don't have a lot of stage directions, or anything beyond

The motto of modern pornography.

I am very disappointed to see a noticeable lack of Kate Bush.

That is an excellent choice, and I will up vote you if you up vote "I Don't Know How to Love Him"

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus Well, at least Bahá'u'lláh was the one that claimed he was the Messiah, or the messenger of God, or something to that effect. The most positive thing Haile Selassie ever said about Rastafarianism was basically, they can believe whatever they want to believe.

I tried so hard to like Dink.

She's maintained it on several occasions, and it's one of those things that is so bizarre that I have no idea why she would make it up. In fact, if she is making it up, it's so bizarre that I almost have to give her credit for coming up with the most out of left field rumor ever.

Mfff Mofff Ifff Mmog Myerffffs?

Well.. not the lyrics…

"With a red nose like a character of carols at christmas" I'm not sure if I could compose a more awkward line if I tried.

She's David Tibet from Current 93 biological daughter, which is so baffling that I feel the need to point it out whenever she's mentioned (which, thankfully, is not that often).

You know what song I hate? Kate Bush's "Mother Stands for Comfort". It's not that it's totally awful, or reprehensible, it's just that it totally breaks up the first side of Hounds of Love. Without "Mother Stands for Comfort" the first side of Hounds of Love would be absolutely perfect, but here's this sappy blah song

Because his head exploded, presumably, before he wanted it to.

Instant Marvin sounds like a sex position, or maybe a euphemism for premature ejaculation caused by oral sex.

You failed the spelling test. Unless you were referring to an indie platformer.

Yeah, that is one weirdly problematic sentence. What the hell were you trying to say Rabin?