
Well, not only would it make Anna wrong, it would also make Bates a complete and utter asshole considering he repeatedly encourages Anna's investigations.

It may also be worth noting that in order to do this, Django actually kills the white man that has been directing him: Quentin Tarantino.

It may also be worth noting that in order to do this, Django actually kills the white man that has been directing him: Quentin Tarantino.

Would that really be acceptable to a lot of people, though? It seems to me that doing that would just invite criticism that she was merely ignoring the problem rather than addressing it.

I don't know, it kind of sounds like she may be addressing it head on, hanging a lantern on the fact that she's now dating a black guy merely to address the fact that she didn't include any black characters.

It's kind of late period Miles.

Wait, by "painted on emergency exits" do you mean, like, a wall painted to look like an emergency exit door? Because that would be some nefarious Warner Bros level shit, and I'm not sure if our legal system is designed for such chicanery.

For some reason, the idea of Cinemark sending the victims' families, like a basket full of Spencers Gag gifts is making me crack right the fuck up: A whoopee cushion, a bad tasting sucker, truck nuts, a card with a horse that says "Why the Long Face?" and a screener of Parental Guidance. Merry Christmas!

I kind of feel like we're too young for nearly every novel we're given in High School. I know Dickens was entirely ruined for me by an ill-timed exposure through Great Expectations. Nathaniel Hawthorne was similarly destroyed. Somehow James Joyce, T.S. Eliot, and Joseph Conrad remained unscathed, probably because of

Why can't people have differing opinions without being accused of being brainwashed?

Why can't people have differing opinions without being accused of being brainwashed?

Really, his point comes down to, More Guns; Less Talk.

Really, his point comes down to, More Guns; Less Talk.

You know, you'd think having your face blown of on multiple occasions would lead to a general anti-gun stance.

You know, you'd think having your face blown of on multiple occasions would lead to a general anti-gun stance.

This is a very exclusive chat room.

This is a very exclusive chat room.

This works best if you get into a shouting match with the other person about which season it is, and then superstitiously switch from the season you were advocating to the season they were advocating.

This works best if you get into a shouting match with the other person about which season it is, and then superstitiously switch from the season you were advocating to the season they were advocating.

Oh no, I totally get that. It's an incredibly well composed statement, actually. He's deliberately distancing himself from the media he's demonizing to imply that he himself can be safe, but only because he is keeping the filth available to people at a safe distance. He knows the names, and the names are enough to