Bus Uncle

Terrorize this!

You mean Lemmy Kravitz?

he was dealt the Ace of Spades!

stupid smart?

"Coop is raising his two children—whip-smart daughter Murph".

Hypnotized is a good pre Buckingham/Nicks track that used to get a fair bit of airplay.

Michael Bolton. I celebrate the man's entire catalogue.

"And while that means more legroom in Kohlberger’s tiny car," HAHA!


Apparently not if you listen to Bob Geldof

He was like Marilyn Monroe in Candle in the Wind…they made him change his name….Then it took years and a bunch of half steps to finally change it back…was he at one point named John Coug Campermellon?

But,,there's no snow there…so how can they know?

I wonder if it inspired Here There and Everywhere…just check, and it turns out, it did!

Dont forget Neapolitan

At least he plays the villain in this one.

Good choice, but I think they missed an opportunity to make fun of alot of the really bad/creepy lyrics. My favorites:

Hadn't noticed that. I think your comment deserves an acknowledgement from the omniscient AV Club writer.

A fucking cool scene. Hackman (and Eastwood) is a master. Such an air of quiet menace he conveys.

I think these two comments were both insightful and well written, but what really struck me is that they were written by two guys with the unlikely names of Agent Dale Pooper-Scooper and Snidely Q. Dooshbhag. Made my morning.

I don't care what they say I won't live in a world without love.