Bus Uncle

I'm from the future. There are now.

No. You are allowed to criticise where you are, even if its first world.

What's the commo?

Sam therapy and King Dice…

Exactly-sins of omission are worse than sins of commission! And take the less traveled road…..

I always assumed the reference is to the Bhuddist swastika, which can be seen in China here and there

What a great article—lots of interesting information about the recording process that I had not heard before. More articles like this please.

Here's ten that come to mind—I could easily produce several more such lists!

Actually Bewlay Brothers. But yeah…Also Prettiest Star…Lady Grinning Soul, Time,

shaky threw a party that lasted all night…

or Joe Strummer. But I never would have picked him to go anytime soon. He always looked so healthy.

Not to be here, not to be anywhere…..

For me, Neil Young

Oh, no, don't say it's true….

I agree that most religions are guilty of major abuse, and have backstories that are (almost) as open to ridicule as Scientology. But in terms of sheer nastiness and cynicism, I think Scientology stands apart.

its very hateable. Just..listen to it.

also "Oh I swear to you, I'll be there for you".

carrying a laser

A deeper investigation of the lyrics of this horrible song (ie taking 2 mins to look them up on the internet) reveal various sneaky, but really lame eighties references, ie "you're one of my kind", "Love connection", "like a virgin" and of course Mr. Mr. which the hater of this song inexplicably referred to as a cool

I saw that show as well, in Detroit. opening act was John Butcher Axis (whoever that is). We were 15, and on acid.