Bus Uncle

News flash! AV Club reveals true meaning about I Don't Like Mondays-hint-it's not about dreading going to work! Next week, AV Club reveals true meaning behind Bob Dylan's Hurricane-hint-it's not about the weather!

the cone of shame…

Afternoon Delight by Starland Vocal Band

Previously Roger Waters complained that he had only 13 channels of shit on the TV to choose from. I can remember those days. Dating myself…..

Its true it was a hassle tracking stuff down, but it could also lead to serendipitous friendships—two of my best friends even now were guys who heard i owned a copy of Rock N Roll Swindle and asked to come buy my house to borrow some albums… There was a great downtown Toronto shop called the Record Peddler which was

dying—no longer just a white person's problem!

You are not wrong. I don't really like them, and I know many other people who feel the same way.

I was so bummed when I found this out. Ever since reading Going Clear, I can't really listen to him anymore, except the stuff he put out before i learned that he was a scientologist as it seems less..tainted. Make sense? Didnt think so

Leave him alone you silver-tongued Fenian bully!

I really like the lyrics to Have a Drink on Me. Also Hell's Bells.

I don't think he was meaning to imply that somehow American thights are different than other nationalities (although, on a certain level, not in the one he was one, they are—see Big Bottoms). Just looking for a rhyme—and I"m glad it wasnt eyes.

Great reply. Couldnt agree more. It was just a poorly written article.

David Anthony says:
It’s hard to think of a song as ineffective as “You Shook Me All Night Long.” It’s an ode to a particularly talented sexual conquest of Johnson’s, but not a single word in the song expresses that.

Expect a job offer in the morning

It's no Heart of Darkness.

Is this article-a satire? I had to check and see if O'Neal wrote it. Obviously this guy has never been out on the dance floor with a bunch of hot chicks when the song was playing.

Just finished Ready Player One. Terrific science-fiction novel about a decaying future society whose VR-immersed inhabitants share an obsession with 80s culture.. Now reading "The Monster of Florence"—true crime, a favourite genre of mine.

I was just talking about that book last night as we were…getting ready to go out for the evening. Some funny stuff.

Five minutes in paradise is better than three minutes in paradise