Bus Uncle

Still lots of room in the big brown bench seats of my dad's Galaxie 500….

got me there

A Pacer

Yeah. Speaking of intentions, not really sure what was the intent of this article……

r what the original grade was?

Second War on Oats (I mean drugs!)

You must be a hikikomori

It makes me happy that he is still around and putting out stuff decades after I first heard him doing My Bologna on Dr. Demento Radio Hour…..

Well, that's just like, your opinion, man.

He could not have been convicted of anything, because he had not been charged with anything. It was a civil action commenced by him.

Agree. A lawsuit is an expensive hassle, and it seems like he's already gotten what he was after, ie a public repudiation by her of her false claim.

None is the loneliest number that you'll ever be

That's it. A letter from his lawyers is on its way to you.

Unlikely that any settlement would include her making a false notarized statement. Usually they just disappear like the various masseurs sexy-unwanted-pass-made and subsequently paid off by John Travolta.

Red Wedding was spoiled for me, and I can't disagree that I would have enjoyed it more if I had seen it cold. But I still enjoyed it quite a bit, more so the second time with my wife who had no idea what was going to happen (so I had a vicarious enjoyment there of something denied to me). It wasnt spoiled by a

Actually, no adult took me. I went with my friend, whose brother had seen it on opening day and recommended it. But you right, I now take my kids to movies and also like choosing stuff at home that I know they will like. I'm not really fussed about spoilers—try to avoid them if I can, but can still enjoy a good

As a kid, I was taken to see Raiders of the Lost Ark having no idea at all what it would be like, or even why we would want to see it. Needless to say, I was blown away and since then I've always appreciated but rarely experienced the opportunity to see something really great cold.

Get Kicking Television, the double live album that came out after A Ghost is Born. Just fantastic. Also get Being There.

Being nostalgic at 22 is like being nostalgic for the weekend on Tuesday—you've got your whole twenties ahead of you!

Fast Times at Ridgemont High has Judge Reinhardt thwarting a convenience store robbery by throwing a pot of coffee directly into a guy's face—and the actor does a pretty convincing impersonation of a guy who just had a pot of hot coffee thrown in his face.