Bus Uncle

I love scary movies with my kids—every Halloween its scary movie night, so far have watched Poltergeist, Alien, the Shining, the Thing and Drag Me to Hell. The great thing is, as when choosing any movie for kids, that there is such a wide variety of fantastic films they have never seen.

was thinking the same thing

It's so terrible I could only drag the cursor to skip to the good bits  "Borges"  "when he was alive" (as opposed to the time he saw him when he was not alive?) and of course "Tom Cruise".

Reading it was painful enough….

I like that there are people like Franco, because it gives rise to opportunities for high hilarity such as this.  And lets not forget that he is not the worst Franco who ever lived…..at least he never bombed Guernica (although he could have painted it….)

I read Franco's poem before I read O'Neal's poem, to prepare myself.  I was not disappointed.  Franco's poem is a self-referential, sophomoric, name-dropping mess, clearly written more to draw the reader's attention to Franco's achievements and accomplishments (teaching a class at UCLA where he is wise enough to be

Nice anecdote.  I was hoping he would say something about Cynical Girl, so I'm glad you did.

Nice anecdote.  I was hoping he would say something about Cynical Girl, so I'm glad you did.

exactly. Tampa and Cuba.

The Informant is also a really good book.  Highly recommended.

That's how rumors start

Back in the time, that they called vaudeville, Al Jolson said to me "how can you write 15 songs in five minutes?".  I said, "…….

Back in the time, that they called vaudeville, Al Jolson said to me "how can you write 15 songs in five minutes?".  I said, "…….

Good luck with that.  Brian Johnson would kick your ass.  And Angus would kick your ass too, with his rock.

Good luck with that.  Brian Johnson would kick your ass.  And Angus would kick your ass too, with his rock.

That's a horrendous story.  No one needs to hear those kind of seedy details—they lend themselves to being constantly played over in the mind's eye.  But at least it happened before you were married and she cheated on you then.

That's a horrendous story.  No one needs to hear those kind of seedy details—they lend themselves to being constantly played over in the mind's eye.  But at least it happened before you were married and she cheated on you then.

I'm very glad to hear that.

I'm very glad to hear that.

Sad to learn this! Felt the same way when I learned about Beck.  Both of these guys, of course, had the very serious misfortune of being born into cult families.  Indoctrinating kids into religion, especially one as demented as this, is a form of child abuse.