Bus Uncle

Sad to learn this! Felt the same way when I learned about Beck.  Both of these guys, of course, had the very serious misfortune of being born into cult families.  Indoctrinating kids into religion, especially one as demented as this, is a form of child abuse.

I agree. Oprah is guilty of the same ignorance by association for giving Jenny McCarthy airtime….

I agree. Oprah is guilty of the same ignorance by association for giving Jenny McCarthy airtime….

A company I used to work for was considering investing in that movie.  I remember thinking that the promoters were untrustworthy, and that the technology was likely dated.  Good thing we passed!

A company I used to work for was considering investing in that movie.  I remember thinking that the promoters were untrustworthy, and that the technology was likely dated.  Good thing we passed!

Cha Gheill!

Cha Gheill!

It was really, really awful, and the poor girls were held in the basement for a while and sexually abused before they were finally killed.  And the whole thing was videotaped.  And one of the girls apparently had a blindfold on so she wouldnt be able to see her captors on the basis that maybe they would later let her

Books are the best way to experience these terrifying deathtraps.  Way safer than actually climbing them…..

Books are the best way to experience these terrifying deathtraps.  Way safer than actually climbing them…..

Fuckin' limies….

Fuckin' limies….

Thank you—this is an amazing interview, and Ian really is one of the greats.  I saw him a couple of times in Canada, during the time he talked about in the interview where his career was slowly disappearing and he was playing small gigs for cash—and he was amazing.  He rocked a small club full of hosers called the

Thank you—this is an amazing interview, and Ian really is one of the greats.  I saw him a couple of times in Canada, during the time he talked about in the interview where his career was slowly disappearing and he was playing small gigs for cash—and he was amazing.  He rocked a small club full of hosers called the

That's a really long moment….

That's a really long moment….

I couldn't agree more. I remember back in high school the local fm station played the whole album at midnite and I rushed home from a party to tape it (back in the 80s, when music was more precious by virtue of being less accessible).

I couldn't agree more. I remember back in high school the local fm station played the whole album at midnite and I rushed home from a party to tape it (back in the 80s, when music was more precious by virtue of being less accessible).

You guys are on the road alot.  Any chance you'll come to Asia, and make a stop in Hong Kong?

You guys are on the road alot.  Any chance you'll come to Asia, and make a stop in Hong Kong?