Bummed I never saw Bruce, could have gone to the Born in the USA show. Would have liked to have seen Cracker. Had a chance to see Stevie Ray Vaughn in Montreal in 1984, guess that is the biggest regret.
Bummed I never saw Bruce, could have gone to the Born in the USA show. Would have liked to have seen Cracker. Had a chance to see Stevie Ray Vaughn in Montreal in 1984, guess that is the biggest regret.
Agree on the contrast between the interviewer's "mind's ear" voice and Leon's….hilarious
Have to disagree. The lyrics and delivery are increasingly sinister; this is a seriously disturbed stalker, not just a heartbroken cuckold.
The Real Me by the Who
One more—Revolution Blues, Neil Young
Basket Case by GD as well
A Few More
E Costello-I want You
I find it really funny.
Totes Magotes!
I always thought it was mambo as well, which as you say makes sense in a hazy, dance related kind of way…but if you actually listen to it, and check lyric sites—it is mamba.
Rhyming "Corporation Games" with "Corporation Names" is so clever and unexpected, so I can see why you like that line. But I have to go with the iconic "Marconi plays the mamba". WTF does that mean? How do you play a snake?
I first really got into this album in 1993 after reading that one of the members of GnR (Izzy Stradlin?) "always had a copy with him". When I bought it, I couldn't believe how many great tracks there were that I had not heard in a lifetime of FM radio listening. Once you got past the "AOR" favourites of Happy,…
My Tutor had Crispin Glover? I remember that was the first movie with tits we were able to go see at the movies—you got in if your were 14 or over…..
sad event
I'm pretty sure there's a scene in here where the nerd/everyman hero goes back to this girl's room (maybe the wet t-shirt girl?); things are going very well for him, then he has to go out and get something from the hotel (ice?) and, for some reason, can't find his way back to the room (and the willing,…
Six Gun Justice
Billy Curtis's song brought to mind this classic by Don Mills and Cheaplaffs Johnson—see around 2.44 in the clip.
Thank you for pointing out Mega Piranha. Our kids were watching the Brady Bunch with the kids of some friends we were visiting in Sydney, it was nice to be able to send them this as an update to the weekend. While we were there, we went to the Steve Irwin zoo (founded by dead crocodile hunter Steve Irwin—see Norm…
I hated Bon Jovi when he came out and I was in high school. Now, in my more mellow old age, I secretly like a few of his songs (though not enough to have on my ipod—enough, maybe, to jump around to when they come on the jukebox at a good bar). He seems like a nice enough guy, and he once said something like "we are…
Agree on the little old lady line—its alliteration at its finest. Also little asides like "Draw Blood". But this is really a throwaway number compared to his other stuff.
Makes me feel old. I was born in 1967. When I was 12, I had a Coleco Head to Head football. My dad brought home a commodore pet from his office—we didnt know what to do with it—and he would also bring home a huge VCR, and I remember renting movies on VHS. I also remember when pay tv started, we got ON…
Looking forward to it. I can hear the theme song now in my head. Ever notice how similar it is to the I Love Lucy theme?