Mr. Roper

Kristen Stewart in that porno I made with your mom.

I know I'm supposed to be excited, but…

Late to the party - but whatevz. I'm currently rewatching it on blu-ray, which is delicious, btw.

I've gotta agree with blasmo. That last shot was a epic fucking button.

[takes sunflower seeds for himself and starts thwacking rodent with newspaper]

I'm gonna take the lowest road and say that Troy just realized that 7&7s *are* in fact awful, high-school drinks for girls.

Just sayin', Todd.
It seems like your review was mostly a half-hearted attempt at convincing yourself to keep liking a show that continues to grow more and more unlikable every week.

Jackoff - Kudos. Best use of the word "cornhole" since THE TOXIC AVENGER


It's not CGI. Annie's Boobs are real … um … is.

I can, but I can only prove that I can type it.

Just a Nigga that Likes Titties FTW

Teadoust, wanting to fuck Rachel McAdams is perfectly reasonable.

In my imaginary perfect world, after his final "review" Shalit would pull the wig and moustache off to reveal Andy Kaufman.

Way to go there, Ralphie boy!

The Mingling Patingting

The Diary of Anne Frank(furted)

Although, we all know the suits will go with 2lander.

Zoolander 2: Montezuma's Revenge

fuckin' caskets