Mr. Roper

He also rocks in Braveheart as Uncle Argyle and in The Boxer as the Irish mob-boss. Ha! And Super Troupers.

Senor Bagofcrap FTW

I feel like this show's abused spouse
Tonight was a bouquet of roses (and, I suppose, dinner at Breadstix) after being roughed up the past two weeks (especially by the entire rancid Britney episode and everything NOT featuring the Hummels last week). I really wanted an excuse to stop watching, but I felt like Santana

Human Centipede 2: The Wrath of Constipation

Human Centipede 2: Montezuma's Revenge

Speaking of drinks in his office, it's nice to see that Art has upgraded from Jim Beam to small batch (in this case Blanton's). "No, maybe later. Like after breakfast."

I shall, from henceforth, always refer to it as "verbing the noun".

@ Domino88, the black bully is not the worst worst actor on the show - that honor goes to Matthew Morrison.

Please explain to me how taking a season to set something up is random. Or lazy for that matter. I think the guy knows he wants something in between new years and three weeks later.

I'm always getting out-douched by CCH

In addition to "Coke and taco" and "nices places", "Tierra del Fuego" is one of Chase's responses to Stanwick's help wishing Fletch (as Ted Nugent) a buenas dias

Bill, I hope you get a flying car for your 27th

Not only the timing. Chase's vocal delivery of that was spot-the-fuck-on.

Can't sleep, so I watched it again and caught this foreshadowing gem:

"Gary, pitch it to me before one of us kills ya."

New Rules
#1 - If you're the casting director for a musical don't hire people who can't sing.

Wait! Paul McCartney was in a band before Wings?

I always thought the Smurfs were behated.

Annie's Boobs, stop trying to coin the phrase "streets ahead".

Definitely nailed it. Twice.