
What they couldn't get a real lobotomized actress for this? Another case of Hollywood whitewashing.

I mean they showed him kidnapping Simon at the end of last episode so it wasn't even a secret.

No one is saying your life should be over, they are just saying you should fuck other old people, you old.

Abigail Breslin was in one decent movie and hasn't made anything of note since. How does she keep getting work?

They aren't mad because Simon let Langdon escape. They are mad because Simon turned Langdon in for manufacturing evidence to convict a serial killer. They would have preferred that Simon let her escape for some reason (even though they are supposed to be for justice).

Grimm did a Krampus episode.

They established earlier that he's deathly afraid of shedding blood to further his goals. He's weak and coddled, and has other people making his decisions for him. When it's time to act he cannot, and lets the moment pass, looking to others for guidance. He's a little boy.

Littlefinger is not a character that is supposed to be redeemable… He's the villain not the hero. How have you not realized that yet?

No the guy you're thinking of is Prism (otherwise known as Rainbow Raider.) His eyes glow red like the laser guys but nothing shoots out of them. His power was making people really mad by looking in their eyes.

Grimm's still good! Juliet's finally doing something!

How come they never show anyone else taking on the traits of the brains they eat? All these other zombie guys are all eating brains constantly but their personalities never change. Seems weird. Blaine is always the same old Blaine.

This show was really bad. The acting was bad and the premise was too religious to appeal to today's more secular society.

Darkstar barely does anything but for some reason I found him to be the most interesting of all the new characters.

So… Markos started off on the other side. As far as I know, they never explained why he was dead or any of his history. Seems pretty important to his character. Not that I care, really, since he was so boring as a villain, but knowing that info might have made him more interesting and relate-able.

He's always wearing red, and Arsenal wasn't red as far as I know, so he'll probably be Red Arrow, or Speedy, or something else. I mean he is gonna be pretty quick with all that Mirakuru in his blood.

Yeah, she was like R U SERIOUS, like this BITCH WONT DIE. It was a weird dissonance because she did look kind of uncomfortable during the scene. But she was actually onboard. Rare bad acting from Nina Dobrev, maybe? I still love her though and want to marry her forever and ever.

It wouldn't be confusing. She just would've had to say something when they cut to her. Not understanding why you would think that would be a problem. It might be if you were listening to a radio play but TV is a visual medium.

They made that already. It was a movie called "Hard Candy."

It was definitely a weird scene. She looked like she was on the cusp of having a reaction the whole time but then she never did. I'm not sure if she knows about the plan to bring Bonnie back? Was it revealed to her? Or did she just think Damon was doing that for no reason.

Elena wanted to kill Katherine herself recently. I don't think she cares what happens to her. They sacrificed an entire bloodline of vampires who were completely innocent and no one had any qualms about that. I think in this show it's okay to kill vampires as long as they aren't your direct friend. Think of it this