
She was supposed to look like Stevie Nicks. My roommate was like, "Why is she dressed like Stevie Nicks?" when she came on screen. Then she had a speech about Stevie Nicks. So that was DEFINITELY intentional.

His name is BEN Foster.

So does The League have a dedicated writer that just sits in a room and comes up with "funny" phrases? Tinker Stinker, Trade Maid, this show loves trying to coin phrases, and I'm beginning to find it kind of grating, especially because they keep saying them. Some of them are fine, trade maid is reasonably clever, but


@avclub-b9a25e422ba96f7572089a00b838c3f8:disqus ya and remember when she wasn't even IN THERE! that's what i loved about vampire diaries, they always found a way to keep you guessing and to forward the plot to unexpected places. almost every single main plot line has been some sort of red herring.

There used to be a black angel but I think they killed him.

Caroline has killed multiple innocent people. Maybe not gleefully like, "Wheeee!" but for no reason, definitely.

White Oak Stake could kill him. Also, I have to say… Beheading could probably kill any character on the show. But they never try it. Like if you chopped off Klaus or Silas' head you're telling me it's going to grow back? I can't see anything surviving the loss of it's head, even a centuries old immortal.


He was also in Fired Up.

It's not like Lost at all. Not even in the way you said. Not even in the slightest.

The Badger and Skinny Pete thing was easy to see coming. He wouldn't have been able to get actual hitmen, he was the most wanted man in America at that point, with zero contacts in the criminal community that he wasn't trying to kill. How would he get in contact with a hitman? And if he did, what hitman would take a

Your theory is accurate the actress who plays Gretchen confirmed that Vince Gilligan told her this for her character's motivation.

@avclub-0ae7484a9f3bbd2a21df420050c032ae:disqus I saw that as more a playful "weirdo." Angela from the Office even tickled her arm when she said it. You don't tickle somebody's arm when you're outright insulting them.

Everyone saying McNulty in The Wire… The Wire was an ensemble.

hah she doesn't do porn anymore she's trying to mainstream

Yeah, I'm pretty sure all of Vogel's former patients ended up being serial killers and she didn't help a single one of them, so why is she the foremost expert again?

So Vogel's son just happened to be dating Dexter's neighbor? Or did he start dating Dexter's neighbor for nefarious purposes?

I thought it was because he had unresolved issues with the death of his parents.

So are they ever going to explain the different types of wolves? Like the twins can morph into one big wolf…Why is that? Why did Derek's mother turn into a regular wolf? Why did Peter turn into a giant half-man half-wolf? Why was Deucalion a "demon-wolf" (as described by Jennifer)? Why does Derek just get red eyes and