
The best part about Katana is she was introduced as an afterthought and then didn't do anything in the entire movie. You could have taken her out completely and the movie would be exactly the same. She had no lines and did not affect the plot in any significant ways.

Michael Rosenbaum was famous first!

i like when he looks at his phone and laughs at a text "heh, that's actually hilarious"

I mean this show is based off the character as introduced in Neil Gaiman's Sandman but I don't think they will bring the Endless in either.

She was part of Magneto's crew. A prominently featured henchwoman. I don't think she had more than one or two lines but I think she got a fight scene.

sometimes you have to fight your rival in the rain to establish who is the master of the wushu style ya know

Luckily no one saw the movie so no one knew he was in it.

I saw this movie during one of the stops on Tucker Max's ill-advised premiere tour with the man himself in attendance. It was probably one of the worst movies I've ever seen. My college roommate worked on the tour and got me in for free. The entirety of it's production he raved about how it was the best movie ever

She's in a host body though.

You're over complicating the issue. All Ned Stark deduced was that all the bastards born to Robert Baratheon had dark hair and futhermore every time a Baratheon and a Lannister created a child together, the child bore Baratheon features which made it unlikely that Robert would have 3 children with blonde hair. The

Jon Snow has dark hair, Lyanna has dark hair. It doesn't have to be exactly the same shade or a blend between his two parents hair colors.

Robert fathered plenty of bastards with no problem. He wouldn't have cared. In the books he even has one that he takes care of that got combined with Gendry in the show.

The High Sparrow has been the High Septon this whole time.

Z for Zendetta!

He was creepy in Misfits. They gave him a creepy haircut though and he dressed like a mormon.

Yeah, he definitely only got the idol recently, as it was on the island with Oliver only a few years previously.

Jon should have said "I order you not to stab me" lol

Nuh uh. It's different. It's on at 1030.

No they showed him chastising Wells on Earth 2 for creating metahumans and he didn't blur anything.

The show would have been much worse if whiny Ted Mosby was also doing the voiceover. He's much more nasal than Bob Sagat. The show needed less Ted if I'm being honest. Unfortunately, it was about Ted, so that wasn't an option.