
You don't think they had to pay Rutger Hauer more than some nobody?

Anyone you think is the killer is probably the killer.

"Part of me wants Dexter to continue indefinitely, so I could see
at what point someone finally said 'Y’know, guys, I think Dexter might
be a serial killer.' Surely by season 23, it would come up."

He flew in this episode.

This was absolute garbage. They created the character Warlow, couldn't find anything for him to do, so they just had him sit around pretending to be nice the entire season, TIED TO A FUCKING TREE? And then he turns evil at the last minute because that was his ONLY character trait.

The difference between the two scenes is that one is literal sexual dysfunction and one is the inability to murder someone as a stand-in for sexual dysfunction. The fact that they treated a different, comparable situation in the same way is where the humor comes from, but when you lose the metaphor and the mapping of

It had to be something the father gave her because the father is a character now and they wanted to foreshadow it and remind you of what the parents relationship was like because they barely ever mention Scott's dad. But yes it was a dumb line.

How did he know Terry was dead? He doesn't even live in Bon Temps!

Bill used the Warlow blood that was already inside of him from when he drank it but it still doesn't explain how he since he was able to get into the room he couldn't just let everyone out.

Um, has Alcide even MET Terry?

CALLING IT NOW: Dexter trains the boy to kill killers, the boy realizes that Dexter broke his own code multiple times, kills Dexter just when he thinks he's finally safe and happy.

Well they are identical and their only defining characteristic (besides being able to combine into a superwolf) is that one is gay and one is straight so…

The internal logic of the show is definitely suspect. I didn't buy the Travis "the professor was dead the whole time" reveal either. So, I guess she could be the Brain Surgeon, but that would be completely dumb dumb.

I know how to send a text to yourself, it just doesn't make sense for her to react the way she did when she was by herself, plus she was not touching her phone when she received the text.

That was a different fairy land. That fairy land was closed off forever by Queen Mab.

If Vogel is the Brain Surgeon, that is some terrifically bad writing, as there was at least one scene where she was all alone and acted scared as the Brain Surgeon was tormenting her. Don't any of you remember? She was home alone, gets a text from the Brain Surgeon, opens the front door and finds two packages for her

Holly's sons were onscreen before when they were being mean to Andy and posting pictures of his nude ass on Facebook.

Here's what I don't get, how has the Governor not found out about the healing properties of Vampire blood? Isn't keeping all vampires alive to use THEIR blood to heal humans more advantageous then killing them off? You have the cure for death basically, why isn't he farming it off of the vamps like Jason did to

Bill flew in an earlier season, when he fought the Vampire Queen of Louisiana. They can't fly high like Erik, but they can do some hoverin'.

@avclub-306480606119b6515bb51e242379602a:disqus yeah but statistics aren't real. You could have no rapists at all or it could be entirely full of rapists.