Dipster Hebag

I liked it better when we were all sprites.

Especially if Hamill's buying

I see your Schwarz is as big as mine.

But I thought you hated kids?

Except Iron Man 3

Are you a bad enough dude to rescue the president…from his own lust for power?

Instead of his hand being a gun….well you can figure it out

Intellectually this really deserves an upvote.

So Chk Chk Chk is how you're​supposed to pronounce !!!

But I bet your Nana drank better beer than Bud.

Only alcoholics can drink warm Bud

I always wondered why the Ralston Purina logo was on everything.

If he really wanted to people to know that he regrets it, i wonder if there are any TV shows with large viewership that air on a national broadcast network where he could publicly announce his regret?

I kind of gathered that the rest of the people on the street considered it no big deal.

For a band in their third decade, I'm sure the money is nice, but so is the security of the Tonight Show gig. A lot less travel, etc.

Yeah fuck this guy.


She seems to be an odd choice to star in a movie about the lead singer of Bad Brains.

Like the St.Pauli girl? Oh wait, she's German

But then you remember that the lead singer of Aerosmith's daughter is the other girl in the video and you get squicked out again?