
ma ma ma ma

Just go hog wild, you will (probably) never be disappointed.

Ah! Gari! I am so full, that I cannot eat even one more piece of Gari.

Dave Coulier in a wig.


7 years after the credits?

I think I would have more questions for Paul, but all of them are about the song he did for "Destiny."

Expect the brunch chef to get irritated by Ringo's omelette orders, with their surprisingly complex fills.

Really look at one of those Roast Beef Sandwiches and think about it.

I'd feel…like I want a Wendy's Spicy Chicken Sandwich.

Handsome Live Action Hamburglar was brilliant and they should've run with it.

So this must be the precursor to that "Five Nights at Freddy's" that all the kids are into?

Their editorials are fine, editorializing - which in this case sounds like they're going to turn every news story into a writer's pitch packet for a Daily Show gig - not so much.

Look, the number one rule of selling fast food is: Your consumer needs to be either scared of or sexually attracted to the brand. BK, McD's and Jack in the Box have opted for the former, Wendy's and Hardee's/Carl's Jr. have decided to chase the latter.

Great Job, Joe! But kind of quiet, adjust the mix.

Exclusively on an all-DC streaming service.

They also preempted it for Trial & Error like 3 times in the last month. I think that was the biggest warning.

Yeah, if someone had told me in high school "Hey in 15 years you're going to think Horatio is one of the funniest people on the planet" I would've assumed they were drunk. But that was before I heard Coco Marx, Dave "Chico" Davies, the Peanuss Awareness guy…

Not enough helicopter rides.

Talk about a guy who spent all his Oscar goodwill before he even made it to the stage.