
The A.V. Club

As somebody who grudgingly reads HuffPo, this sounds like…a massive step in the wrong direction. I want more objectivity, not more editorializing!

"Wait, you guys have been speaking Spanish? Jughead told me Veronica was Latina…I thought it was Pig Latin!"

CBS Films/Lionsgate coproduction…I think it'll either go to Showtime or Amazon Prime.

I think its critical success was more of a statement about where the industry is: it generated a lot of buzz simply by being a small, "adult" movie in a marketplace now dominated by loud and flashy franchise pictures designed to play just as well internationally as they are at home.

It was a great parody of the exact kind of superhero movie we've been drowning in for the last decade - and it came out the summer BEFORE the original X-Men opened the floodgates.

I had my fingers crossed for a Squidbillies-related answer.

I found out you can create really intense flavor combos via the Freestyle phone app, like combining Orange Dr. Pepper and Cherry Coke at the same time and even adjusting the individual proportions.

Bad news, Crazy Smashed Face: you're going to stay at a five-star resort in New Zealand for some poorly-defined reason!

I thought Zorak ate musical guest Bananarama circa 1997

They're gonna call it the G-Spot, and the tagline will be "G-Spot Rocks the G-Spot"

We'll probably never know, given Spont's runaway success and enormous audience.

"Ugh, finally. I'm sick of how they keep dancing around why Hawkeye has turkey wings for arms now - in his own series, for cryin' out loud! Who even cares about the mystery at this point? Plus we've already seen cover solicits for the next event series where he's got both human arms AND turkey wings, so we know it's

time for somethin' new and improved

If she's stuck with it for 20 years, it's probably a GREAT gig.

I listened to the original 4/20 special again over the weekend and that one is maybe the best I4H of all time. Everybody was in a great head space where they could seemingly remember everything about the previous scenes - right up until they had to start talking.

Yeah, aside from the belching they do a good job of keeping the lippy-smacky noises to a minimum.

Fast 9: Tian Jing saves Vin Diesel somehow by jumping a Geely over the Great Wall

Best Show, Dollop, Uhh Yeah Dude

[Unlocks phone]
[Opens soundboard]