
Mr. Smuckles, I estimate that at auction this piece would fetch over six hundred million dollars.

Hey, I agree with him on that one, children be damned. It's just a stupid term.

I just hate pre-rendered sprites so much - they don't look good in motion and get lost in the environment. I've never seen a game they look good in, ever (See: Yoshi's New Island on the 3DS for a recent example)

Self-checkout users who doesn't know the PLU codes for the produce they buy with any regularity are ruining it for everybody

Not with the mainstream casual community, but it has a ton of legs with the diehard Nintendo community. I'm on the low end of that spectrum and make reasonably responsible decisions with money, so I'm not going to beat out the thousands of nutjobs who will pay a reseller's markup just to say that they have the thing.

DKC's graphics were dull and muddy, it looked ugly then, it looks ugly now, it was a boring game that had a Sonic game's left-to-right simplicity without the fun sense of speed.

It's got 'em all!

We can only hope

I could only hear them in her Lighthouse Keeper voice

The idea that it was the crest of his family started in Superman: The Movie, in the comics it became "the symbol for hope" in the non-canonical origin story miniseries Superman: Birthright (Which DC decided, after the fact, to make canonical.) Man of Steel was the first time both concepts were combined on film.

I've always had an issue with the whole "This is the emblem of my family, on my world it means 'hope' " thing.

"Hey! I'm starting to think that Before the Rise of the Planet of the Apes is actually just old episodes of Chicago Hope, and they dubbed characters saying 'Unless the apes get us first' a lot!"

He's gonna retain custody.

I really can't believe MLB The Show's studio didn't figure out what made that effect happen and license it/use it as the building block for their own horror game.

TBS bought the cable syndication rights for $1.7 mil an episode after the first season, so I'm sure thinking about the insane amount of mailbox money this is going to net them for at least the next decade has made things considerably easier for everyone involved.

All the ones that I encountered in my neck of the woods were in gas stations…loved the name, but the "being in a gas station" stigma was too much to overcome.

I think of what Subway sells as "Flaccid lettuce sandwiches"

Tonight, you will be visited by three spirits…

They should turn on and off with your TV set, unless you have some kind of crazy TV that has always-on USB ports. I doubt there's a way to control them with a Harmony, but there is an in-line switch if you want them off (After two years of ownership and use, I have never wanted or needed to do that - the effect is

I want to like that game but every time I shoot a pile of poo-poo and corn kernels pop out of it I say "Pleasant" and just think about how much I hate the aesthetic.