
If I remember my "Reposted a7x Fan" correctly, the answer is:

Feel like I've been called out here

I think someone lost a bet with the Impractical Jokers

Chris: How hard is it to live with the specter of Josh Franklin constantly hanging over you? Do you live in fear of his resurgence? Have you participated in money trunk kumite recently?

China Strong

We're going to Pizza Hut, KFC or Tower Records, and that is IT.

Unfortunately, if you get in you're on the hook for a trip to the Outer Banks, because he insists Eastmost Penninsula holds the secret

Shhhh, don't let Apple hear you! At least not without getting paid first!

Can we get a backstage comedy segment beforehand to set it up where Enzo and Cass are complaining about how that night's catering sucks - "Cold noodles - with no gravy! Just a big bowl 'a plain Jell-O? And why is the only fruit option hundreds of peeled grapes?"

Have you seen how young women carry their phones now? Sticking halfway out of the back pockets of their shorts seems to be very much in style - throw in booze, kush and DJ Khaled screaming "WE THE BEST" louder than a jet engine, it's a good environment for even the least artful dodger.

Exact location wise, probably…but "Guy whose backpack is constantly playing 30 different ringtones at once" wise, probably not.

Absolutely. When I was young, I recall my grandparents tended to have a tub of store-bought stuff in the fridge for sandwiches…my parents, too, until I think eventually my mom either decided she didn't like cheese or realized that a huge thing of pre-mixed CHEDDAR CHEESE AND MAYONNAISE in the fridge wasn't doing

Family Matters residual checks ain't what they used to be.

If you have an Android device you can just type "find my phone" into Google and you'll automatically be given a map showing its last GPS coordinates and buttons to activate the ringtone and start recovery mode

I think you just scream "FIND MY IPHONE" and it starts buzzing

Reinaldo De Jesus Henao of Queens, New York

Uhhh…December 25, 4385 (Give or take two years due to a number of cosmological variables)

Pimento Cheese is such a diverse dish - some preparations opt for cheddar, others use Velveeta/American, and I'm sure some adventurous souls have tried a "novelty" cheese like pepper jack.

Some guys from the Development Center wearing drug store-quality Jason masks leaping out from underneath the Spanish Announce Table

It's going to be smoke machines and blacklight, isn't it?