
And apparently they also took the least-loved page out of Jet Force Gemini's playbook: "Hey, remember that arbitrary number of doodads we told you to collect to finish this thing? WE LIED, go get more of them."

Speak for yourself, pal.

“inspired by […] online videos from the zeitgeist.”

So much respect for Jinder Mahal and how he raised that Charmander.

"Crunch patties."

Just grab that opening, move on it like a bitch.

I have, like, a dozen Criterion Blu-Rays I haven't watched…that's WORSE than keeping books around that you've never read.

Seems like more of Slate's territory

"That's when I decided to start doing heroin.

Big Red is now partially owned by Dr. Pepper/Snapple (Which owns Sun Drop outright,) meanwhile Cheerwine remains wholly owned by the Carolina Beverage Co. family business. I'm guessing it's a matter of not wanting to turn control of the company over to the big boys and being frozen out of potential new markets as a

Because there are that many grocery store/discount chains that have their own private label brands to compete with the big boys. You can call your house brand cola simply "Cola," and "Orange" and "Grape" are plenty descriptive, but for the more esoteric varieties - your Dr. Peppers, Mountain Dews, and Sprites - you

You really dropped the ball on this one; It's a great soda and can be used to make insanely good barbecue sauce.

Are you sure? Among the cover band's reviews:

Trying to find a lover/best friend/partner in crime. I can't stress this enough: I am planning to commit a great deal of crimes & I need some help.

I say "call me when they're Wheat THICKS" every time I walk down the cracker aisle at the store

"He came right at me with his face, I panicked!"

Joel Hodgson: A secret Jimmy Buffet?

Yes, per the Satellite News history of the show:
But Joel offered his own take: "Let me put it this way," he said with some weariness in his voice, "he's 18 years old."

Be forewarned: Absolutely nothing happens for 90% of Breaking Dawn Part 2 - and then the third act actually, legitimately, explosively kicks ass and almost justifies the entire series' existence …right up until they pull the ol' "IT WAS ALL A DREAM" on you. Still, it may have set a record for "most on-screen

"I want to hurt this movie, but I can never hurt it the way it hurt me…"