
Just Boosted, and he wouldn't even wear the hat.

The asshole whose ratings spiked when it came out that he had settled sexual harassment suits to the tune of over $10 mil.

I used to do data entry for a vending machine company. I learned a LOT about how soda distribution networks operate and who carries what, very quickly.

Mello Yello is still in distribution in NC (And recently went through yet another visual identity refresh,) but I can also tell you that both our Coke and Pepsi bottlers seem to march to the beat of a different drum (I'm a big Mountain Dew Livewire fan and our distributor has not seen fit to sell it despite being part

Hey, crazy thought: let's stop giving this raging asshole the attention he so clearly craves.

Burgers made out of Panther meat. VERY illegal.

Neither of them are going to be my first choice, but I prefer Pibb.

For a long time, Dr. Pepper didn't have its own distribution network, so local Coca-Cola or Pepsi bottlers would be responsible for delivering it to point-of-sale. Mr. Pibb was Coca-Cola's alternative for areas where they did not handle distribution.

Dr. Pepper: Proudly making cola bad for over 100 years

As somebody with a tremor, Dr. Tremor can fuck clean off.

I think that's supposed to be "sued by"

Hamlet has a ghost.

I kind of understand the desire for secrecy but at the same time, what exactly is it spoiling? It's not like I'm going to seek these things out before I watch the show.

You is a jerk!
I is going to find Paul!

Ooo, can't do it, gonna be a Lunch-taker then.

And it comes with the great bread short! I saw a sign in the Wal-Mart bakery the other day for "Specialty Breads," but unfortunately they were out of loaves that came to a sharp point.

"Here's what I've got so far: LAA"

That's right: MORE scenes of him drinking alone in his hotel room

The Worwuff Will Carry Us

I tried to order Pizza Hut around this time last year and they cancelled my online order because, as the guy who called to let me know/ask why I had the temerity to even place an order, I lived outside of their delivery radius, "Like 30 minutes away." I hadn't had Pizza Hut in years due to so-so quality, so I more or