
I am going to choose to believe that, outside of Werewolf, the rest of his filmography consists of Kiarostami-esque slow, naturalistic, simple films about ordinary people.


I love that the other catamaran was never revisited. They just hopped through time, shot maybe the unluckiest person in the island's entire history, and peaced out.

At least with The Leftovers this ending is going to be kind of thematically appropriate.

"You want your damn thirty dollars back? Well, I want my KIDNEY back!"

David Chase felt like he had to cut it after the cast and crew at the wrap party didn't really treat the scene with the gravitas he believed it deserved, instead laughing uproariously at Tony's last words ("Gabbagoo marone, that'sa spicy meatball!").

Time Cube is banned by academia because as no one on Earth is qualified to teach Time Cube "teachers" are afraid of Time Cube

That's also very true - the show gradually shifted its focus to letting the character guests take time to find their own stories, rather than putting them through the motions of the games.


I partly blame the submissions for WYR falling off. The fun of the game was Scott thwarting the guests by spinning straightforward situations out of control, not coming into it with two extremely elaborate scenarios with all kinds of goofy rando stipulations attached.

I binged the whole thing over the weekend, and I can't imagine stopping after the end of episode 2…that's actually WHY I binged the thing in two sittings (I did have to take a break after episode 6 before I could tackle the finale - not to spoil anything, but man, it doesn't exactly turn all sunshine and roses as it

That was an all-around solid episode of Best Show, too, just some good ol' Cranky Tom dealing with callers. Biggest laugh was a toss-up between SCREAMING at the first caller after Podcast Heroes for not immediately mentioning it, and Tom's hangup on the "There was a problem" guy.

Whatever, bitch. As long as Sean gets to talk to Colin straight and tell it like it is, bitch.

They set a precedent with how they ended Reality Show Show, throwing a very abrupt "This is the next to last episode" announcement in that show's penultimate installment. I know they're having fun riling up the fans, but I wouldn't put it past them to do it again.

Spread for Kevin

This interview should've come with a "Sent from my iPhone, please excuse any spelling or punctuation errors" disclaimer.

"Mirror, Mirror" Dom has a full head of hair

(Dom and the gang proceed to light regular cars on fire)

I suppose my "Free period" was just Drama, a class I took twice. Very little acting, a lot of drugs (And by "drugs," I mean "I watched a guy chop up…I wanna say an Allegra? with a razor on a compact mirror." Oh, and a buddy once felt a weird bulge in his jacket, found a hole in the lining and pulled out a dime bag

To be fair, that article is 20 years old. It's possible Food Lion was operating in the area at the time.