
Not all the way in, this time, because he wasn't naked.

Ahhh, shit. Him waking up wet means we're all in the Hotel universe.

Maybe Bran did the Varamyr thing to Hodor by proxy, pushed his mind into an animal by accident. Watch him be found by a raven that can squawk "HODOR!"

I watched the first episode of Girls and during the scene where Hannah drinks the weed tea or whatever I thought "Oh, I've been to this party, with these people.

Don't tell him it's just "How's It Going to Be" don't tell him it's just "How's it Going to Be"
"Yeah, Archiekins, sounds great…a LOT like Third Eye Bli-"

Sometimes he gets confused, looks at his underwear, thinks his name is "Tuesday" and the day of the week is "Archie"

Upon further reflection, maybe a 2:1 (Really, probably 3:1) water/syrup ratio? When I came up with it I was imagining it as the closest thing to a "real" version of the Blossoms chugging straight maple syrup.

Jonah and Amy kind of share Jim and Pam's lot in life - He found this job by chance and now doesn't want to leave because he likes it more than he's willing to admit; she could DEFINITELY do better but circumstances with her significant other are kind of keeping her in place.

Also, we know that they HAVE nice stores thanks to the mention of Cloud 9 "Signature Stores" in recent episodes - our gang is just stuck in your run of the mill box.

It's definitely the most egregiously Sorkin show Sorkin ever made; I mean the thing STARTS at like "Peak Sorkin" and when he gets into those back 9 he finds new levels of himself to tap into.

I recently discovered the podcast "It's That Episode," where the host talks with a writer/actor/comedian about their "favorite" episode of a show for 20-30 minutes, then they watch it and record another half hour or so having both just seen it. SO MANY episodes are about Studio 60, and every guest that chooses it is

"My wife died several years ago."

Speaking of Hermione, I like the little detail of how she is never not drinking a huge glass of white wine when in the apartment. Even during the dinner with Ethel, huge glass (and bottle at the ready) just for her.

The bitterness of Studio 60 will live in every viewer's heart, forever.

Ever drive around in the fall/winter with the windows down but the heater on full blast? This is like that, but reversed, and without a car.

Shame on you for leading with the ID4 image but not embedding it in the post! Boo, I say!

Check in next week, it's a big teen party episode. Archie was shirtless in the promo, could get wild.

There's a picture of me in my senior yearbook playing a GameBoy Advance while wearing a suit, but that was outside of normal school hours (FBLA regional competition - I cruised to compete at State.)

"Principal Weatherbee, why are you going along with this? You KNOW that's Betty's mom! You were in the same graduating class!"
"Some things are sweeter than syrup, Cheryl…in time, you may learn."

I still rewatch the Super Mario/Karnov Playset animations from time to time. The one with Mario going to the strip club (and the abrupt ending Bhlaab inserted after realizing he'd gotten in over his head) always makes me laugh, as does the very very bad Zero Wing parody.