
OMM's release schedule has gone to shit ever since they started working with Gaben

Were you expecting a medal? Or a pat on the back, and a little feather you could stick in your cap, or pin to your shirt?

I come to YOUR council meetings
YOUR public hearings
In YOUR institutional government facilities

Mexican Coke is totally mainstream now, not weird enough.

I let out an "Ohhhh shiiiit" when she was going crazy on Archie's photo

Uhhh, these are Colombian Maples.

"Archibald Andrews, you are under arrest for spiking lumber that is property of the Georgia Pacific Corporation."

That's why he reacted so poorly to a Pepsi. Dude shoulda gone with Moxie, or a can of Cel-Ray.

I thought the "Veronica realizes she was very recently a mean girl and is sensitive to helping peers in trouble" backstory was a good explanation for her motivations - equally altruistic and self-serving. Plus she's new to this, she doesn't yet understand how her "helping" with hand-me-down designerwear could be seen

The Blossoms' signature cocktail:

Biggest difference is that the baseball scene in Twilight was the one time anybody in that movie seemed to have any fun (Yes, I've seen it - the Rifftrax are really good;) Meanwhile everybody's having a great time, all the time on Riverdale.

Since we've already lost the reason for Marisol Nichols to wear the Chok-Lit Shoppe outfit, Madchen's gotta pick up the slack.

See and here I thought "Study hall" was another ridiculous TV invention - at my high school, we had 4 90-minute classes a day. There was no way in hell anybody would be allowed to just hang out in the library for an hour and a half.

"Given some stuff I learned recently, I would've sworn it was short for Josephine!"

Looks like she's going to pop up a few more times this season…may have to tune in for those. Her appearance in the cold open almost got me to stick around for the rest of the episode, but my antenna was acting up (The cord cutter's lament.)

I could see (sober) Amy planting a kiss on Jonah - say they establish that things are tentatively stable in her marriage again, then her husband does something particularly egregious right away. Frustration leading to impulsiveness, no hooch required.

Zorn left me pretty cold but I'm still pulling for it to get a second season, in the hopes that it means less Bo.

Sandra almost hooked up with her gender-swapped double…who among us HASN'T dreamed of such a serendipitous meet-cute?

"Mr. Blossom, I've learned a lot from your daughter…like how formalwear up top and nothing below the waist is a great look."

I know a "What's up, fellow teens" scene with Alice slinking around the hallways of Riverdale High, thinking she's going all Never Been Kissed on these kids, is probably too much even for THIS show…but fingers crossed.