
Calendar Man

I'm going to assume she's playing some wise matriarch who delivers the film's big expository monologue, announces some impending calamity and tasks Smurfette with saving the day, and then has a brief "You achieved your dream because you believed in yourself and/or the power of friendship" heart-to-heart right before

I think the PA music uses the original versions - which made me wonder if production companies have finally figured out how to license music, or if streaming rights for this thing are going to be a pain in the ass.

It's so obviously "The Office, but at Wal-Mart" - There's no way they didn't simply pitch the character of Dina as "Dwight Schrute, but get this…it's a woman!" - but you know what? I don't care. The jokes are solidly constructed, the characters are endearing, the cast is great, America Ferrera is really cute, it's

But for real, production crew better make sure those cables are bundled and covered.

$350 mil total worldwide against a $105 mil budget - even factoring in marketing and localization costs, somebody got paid.

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that she is very, very, very, very, very, very, very attractive? She's got a striking look.

Counterargument: How many people in 2017 do you think would identify Ghetto Superstar as a Pras track rather than an ODB one?

Fired, blunder, etc.

Yah dude you misspelled "caucasian"

Justin Theroux jogging in sweat pants is the biggest dangling thread of them all!

I moved on her like a gander, grabbed 'er by the cloaca

I blame whatever season 1/pre-air interview got paraphrased and twisted into "They're going to have a rational explanation for everything!" I recall seeing and hearing that a LOT circa 2005 and think it got some wildly unreal expectations going that somehow didn't fade over the next 6 years.

Keep going! It gets worse.

It's those Golden Tee jerks' fault.

Before that: 2 hours where Dwayne Rock Johnson's marriage is on the rocks and he's got to do something for his kid, etc.

Don't put marbles in your nose

Much more easily fixed by typing "Rampage emulator" into Google and spending 2 minutes (and Zero Dollars) punching buildings and dealing with the spotty mechanics before saying "Ehh, this isn't what I remember it as."

Don't forget Woops!

Especially a Hardee's/Carl's Jr. burger, where the quarter cup of mayo they dump on the thing turns it into some kind of edible oil slick barely contained between two buns.