
Can they go a single damn season without resorting to the old "Dr. N!Godatu has a new career for one episode…and she wore her slippers THERE too" storyline?

Is there a Trump hotel in Seoul?

She's holding it like a specimen cup, or the way a movie villain would handle the container holding their bioengineered virus.

My heart bleeds BECAUSE of them; damn sugar lobbyists…

Every time I log into Facebook I am "suggested" some shitty 4chan meme repost group that is represented by a Pepe picture that I suspect is vaguely racist but I can't figure out how. I've flagged the page, I've said "Don't show me this," and it still pops up every. Single. Time.

Those jokes were getting kinda long in the tooth in the 90's, because Fox was pretty stable by then (But I've always known Fox to be a network, so that may be age bias at play.)

One of those instances where the burn was so masterful and the material being lampooned so basic that a 5 second joke instantly informed and supplanted all but the most die-hard fan's perception of the show, forever.

In the South, this cancellation was announced with "Everything happens for a reason; I believe God has a plan for FXX and Man Seeking Woman, but they can't be together."

"Hey, Spidey! You know who's gotten a satisfying ending? Gwen Stacy and Uncle Ben - multiple times!

He died as he died: Dead.




And later cut the master tapes to hell.

…I miss you, cupcake.

It was actually the Squee spin-off series that brought him to Nick's attention.

Sorry - no interest in conspicuous consumption of the right kind of etc. etc.

And without a healthy dose of statins, it's gonna stay there.

I sometimes forget that not everybody has read Achewood and as such had their vocabulary irrevocably altered

The closest fast food option to my apartment is a BK, and like twice a month I'll be headed home and think "Hmmm, pretty hungry…hey, gonna pass by BK in a bit, I'll grab something there."