
It's a scoop of ice cream with a D-cell stuck in the middle.

Is McRib not back? Have you tried waiting 15 minutes?

The best dipping sauce for McNuggets is the plain honey. It is known.

Oh, and on the opposite side of the coin, as soon as it turns out that "Generation Z" can't afford/has no interest in conspicuous consumption of consumer goods and luxury brands, marketing types are going to turn on them just as fast as they have Millennials.

And in reality it is very cheap and the fries suck.

I feel like even in that context, enjoyment of Doritos comes with a heavy sense of irony. "Huh-huh-huh I'm so freakin' baaaaaked, man, time to gruffle some dang ol' Doritos like a total doob fiend. Haha 4/20 blaze it bro, you got that new Call of Duty?"

Generation Z: Wait a couple of years until they've got student loans and bills to pay, then see how optimistic those little shits are about their prospects.

In N Out's presence on the list reeks of location bias. And where the hell is Taco Bell?

Matt has beaten Undertaker 2 straight times!

And it helps other animals! I have no qualms with cow holes now.

I had to look this up even though I could hear it in my head perfectly as I read it. Been a minute.

They have a cow with a giant plug in their side, so they can reach in and check digestion in the rumens when they study feed.

Any white luxury SUV is a red flag; give them a wide berth because you KNOW somebody's going to be too busy checking their phone to double check the other lane before they attempt to merge.

Audi is the new brand of choice for self-righteous assholes. Just look at their ads ("Intelligence is the new Rock 'n Roll;" the one where the guy ATTEMPTS TO MURDER HIS NEIGHBORS https://www.youtube.com/wat… )

Agree to misagree, Roger. Agree to misagree.

I get the feeling Arnold says "[X]'ll be back" a lot these days, because he feels like it's expected of him. Just throwing catchphrase after catchphrase out there, waiting for the person he's talking with to beam with recognition, but resigned to accepting their humoring, empty grins.

April 7, 2016.

What's the best cheese? That's easy. It's called Pochego, and it's from France.

Residual checks from the Austin Powers and Shrek franchises, obviously.

He's a Shrek, he's a Donkey.