
Also, the decision to make Pete (and Trudy) stealthily progressive helped engender a lot of goodwill. Yeah, he's a prick - but he's not racist!

Xander Crews is such a magnificent dick. This is a man who, upon learning that he has a daughter he's never met who is grieving the recent death of her mother, immediately decides to pay the girl off so she will never contact him again.

Daffy Duck > Bugs Bunny

"Well, Dr. Leary, I find your product boring."

"I am the Doctor of Death, and I have come to cure you of your life."

It's a Japanese pun - "warui" is an adjective meaning "bad/wrong." When it came time for the "bad" Mario we got "Wario," which had the English benefit of inverting his initial. So when they decide to give Luigi his evil version, well, "Warui-gi" was right there, and since Wario jacked Mario's slightly rotund figure

Hey, at least the wrath of Roger's ire tended to deserve it - meanwhile noted Randian Bert Cooper fired a secretary on the spot because he doddered into some gum and she happened to be chewing some nearby.

I enjoyed him in Sin City as one half of the loquacious idiots Shlubb and Klump, alongside a then-unknown Nick Offerman.

The question with Meadow is, did she really want out of that world? Or was being righteously woke just how her youthful rebellion against her parents manifested itself, and in the end she was simply following in her mother's footsteps, a smart woman too caught up in the comforts which she had become accustomed to?

Ehh, I suspect Paulie's going to be fine - but because of his superstitious nature, he's just going to be looking over his shoulder, always on edge, for the rest of his days (Just like Tony.)

Oh, you think you're the expert? Let's see what your ass knows about flyin'!

With Lost, people somehow watched the show for 6 years without realizing it had gradually changed from a "mystery" show into a "character" show. By the sixth season the whole thing was about the people who got roped into a war between two demigods, not the MacGuffin they were fighting over.

BSG did get really stupid, but I still liked it.

Two THOUSAND installments and we're JUST NOW getting to "The BEGINNING?"

And he refuses to acknowledge it when directly pressed with "Hey aren't you and Trump good friends, you've got the hat in your locker, do you support his politics" and actually had the gall to go with the "Durrrrrr I'm so busy with football, I don't know why America mad" thing after November. That's what's so

After Cypher and Ralphie in quick succession, I thought he was setting up a theme.

Man, did I watch my fair share of S Club 7 on Fox Family with the sound off (I needed my dose of Rachel Stevens, I did not need anyone or anything else associated with that show.)

"Hey, this is Mike, your Domino's driver…uhhh, I need your apartment's gate code if you want your order."

2GE+HER 2: This time without…well…you know who's missing.

Goddamn rent control.