
Look, they go to that well time and again because it works.

Yeah! Only WE get to shit on it!

I think I have that one, but I prefer Bittersteel. All white everything (with a few TASTEFUL black accents.)

Because Gina Torres wanted more money, I'm guessing.

Still is. I forgot that the Age of Triumph update dropped this week, I'm going to hop into that this evening.

I am guessing that at least one PvE map will being set in the newly overrun city…that's kind of being able to explore it, right?

"Green…green…green…BLUE!…that decoded to a green…"

Vanilla Destiny had a lot of issues, but I think each expansion has done a good job of refining the core mechanics and systems. Only took 'em two, two and a half years to get it right, but It is now a damn good game. Hopefully they carry all the lessons learned thus far to the new one.

Destiny is a great game, I hate it. It's frustrating, boring and thrilling in roughly equal turns. I give it a 9.5/10, and I regret getting into it.

Reminds me of the David Sedaris story that opens with him finding a folded up $50 bill filled with cocaine outside his apartment the day after his college graduation. He promptly decides that he can just find something of value every day and he'll never have to get a real job.

I can't decide if it would be better or worse if they simply copped to it. Something about how obvious it all is while going unaddressed makes it feel skeevier than it should.

Does it count as "Shilling" if Superman tells some innocent bystanders the name of a business to go inside to shelter in place?

I didn't watch it all, but I watched the bulk of it. I was very excited to get in on the ground floor of the new Aaron Sorkin, after missing out on both Sportsnight and West Wing. Week after week, I kept waiting for it to get…good. I think sometime around "Matt is so goofed out on pills he invents another writer in

"The procedure made them brilliant, yes, but it also made them slightly…unstable."


Oh, wow. That's edgy and subversive and most importantly, very real and viral.

Good pull.

I've pretty much given up on the show because every ep seems to be a live recording now.

"I think the production of a beloved weekly sketch comedy program and television institution would be a great world to explore. I do have a few questions, first and foremost: What is 'comedy?' What is 'a laugh?' These shows…these shows are big on Gilbert & Sullivan parodies, correct?"

Sounds like the start of a pretty low-key episode of Black Mirror.