
Laptop Purchasing Program AKA "Bilk these incoming kids' parents just a little bit more by convincing them that a low-spec ThinkPad with a 100% markup is worth it because it comes with 'insurance' (While also convincing them that their child's laptop WILL be stolen at LEAST once in the next four years.)"

True, but this guy didn't play any other songs*…he didn't even play any other tracks from Speakerboxxx/The Love Below. it was JUST Hey Ya!

To this day I wonder why my college's laptop purchasing program thought offering a Logitech 2.1 speaker system as an optional $40 upgrade was a good idea.

I was in college when Hey Ya! dropped.

Reading this review, it seems like Roger was just in the right mood at the right time to enjoy a movie that he recognizes is really, really stupid.

I keep trying to come up with a logical continuation of this series and "Intense psychological horror" is really they only way to go.

"Sounds kinda expensive."

Straight man, deadpan absurdity, character work - he can do it all. Perfect utility player.

It's the role he was born to play: A (VERY thinly-veiled) alcoholic crank doing a poor job of raising a child.

My grandfather and I went to see Home Alone 3 at the single screen dollar theater, where the other film they were showing that weekend was An American Werewolf in Paris…all I really remember is that they botched the start of the movie, so we didn't see any studio or production company cards and it launched right into

In a perfect world I would get to use this phrase on a near daily basis.

Do you think the Estate of John Hughes has an R-rated cut locked away in a vault somewhere, with both Pesci and Culkin just letting the cusses loose? And alternate takes of the trap scenes where they used copious amounts of fake blood?

A limousine, and a…PEET. ZHA?

Get yourself together; I don't know if I can be friends with you anymore, after this display.

Oh my God, I forgot Baby Bob got two seasons. Exceptionally short seasons (6 and 8,) but still.

Also, it helps to remember: ABC already cut 4 episodes from this show's production order before it made it to air. Erik's not just reviewing 2 episodes, he's talking about essentially a quarter of the entire season.

Maybe her 6 episode run on Santa Barbara?

Counterpoint: That's a more original design; they should've kept it and really emphasized how weird and off-putting the premise is. Like, Alice is aware that this isn't normal behavior, this is a deeply rooted psychological issue she's dealing with, and as a result Mary's appearance reflects that.

1600 Penn, with one of the best-worst publicity shots ever:

Ken > Ryu