
I don't know if this will help, but, "Ho ho ho."

And yet it's a look that's coming back, in a way. It's all a cycle.

First person to post a YouTube vid of them throwing this around Leakin Park while the Serial theme comes out of it is gonna be very famous for an afternoon.

The lighting AND smoke effects in the limo were just perfect.

I just went on a Google trip to figure out what any of this meant and the short version is that Reby Hardy is selling "F*ck That Owl" shirts after concluding an anti-Impact rant on Twitter the said phrase, uncensored.

I suspect that, by October, I'll be able to hire the Cash Me Ousside Girl to make a personal appearance at the party for like $30.

Johnny Carson said it.

Handsome Rambler left Earwolf after like 4 episodes (Which I kind of expected from the start, after his pilot episode was a day late.)

I'm going to pick up a cardboard storage barrel and two 90mm computer case fans later today, so I've got my Halloween costume ready come fall (I will be going as "Old Meme")

I mean this looks good and all, but let's face it: Literally every single person on earth was much more excited for this when we first heard the title and took it literally.

Also the climb is a 2-degree incline and it runs for 99 miles.

I got off Twitter right after the election. Dipped in today to check a comedian's account - literally nothing but political RTs and warmed-over takes. Said "Made the right choice" and closed the tab.

… it apparently sparked a bit of a bidding war from “both ad-supported and pay services,” but Hulu won in the end.

Must be MK64, which I am not familiar with (I played the hell out of some F-Zero X though)

4a) Nick will defend In n Out and Del Taco to the death and, even though he does not like fries, is more than willing to claim that In n Out's universally detested fries are perfect.

"And make sure Venom uses a VAIO laptop, an Xperia phone, a PlayStation 4 and a dedicated Walkman to listen to a Columbia Recording artist at least 5 times over the course of the film!"

No, and because it's a regional chain with the closest location to LA being in Phoenix. They've mentioned that they'd love to do a live tour in the future to do episodes about chains with no California presence, but we'll see if that ever actually happens.

Scripps bought Stitcher last year, a year after buying Midroll/Earwolf. I'm guessing somebody finally realized it would be easier to acquire and monetize an existing podcast service rather than build one from the ground up, and as a result Howl is dead in the water but no one wants to admit it yet.

3a) Until recently Nick was a heavier guy; as a child he would claim that his favorite food was "Gravy."

Currently they have a "Tournament of Chompions" intro that involves like half a dozen sound clips of people eating laid over some vaguely TV sports music; hearing it makes me want to stop the podcast, break my phone and throw it into a ravine.