
Do you have any Gatorade, Smith? I seem to have left all my electrolytes in your daughter.

MacFarlane developed the show with Mike Barker and Matt Weitzman, two writers from the original run of Family Guy (Who, it should be noted, were credited writers some of the most memorable episodes, including "Wasted Talent" and "Peter Griffin: Husband, Father…Brother?") Seth was pretty open about how he hoped it

Let's hear about the boys

It's one of the series' most inventive, memorable episodes, and an incredible demonstration of how far it is willing to commit to a premise. It's also really, really funny. Easily a top 10 episode.

How many actresses are out there with both eyes that have an inch and a half height differential and 69-2-69 measurements?

Hey, is my hand on fire? No? Then it's the acid.

The Antichrist, it should be noted, is voiced by Andy Samberg and is dressed like Frank Gorshin's Riddler.

Yeah, that's what your mom said last night!

I remember thinking at the time that and the rubbernecking/"American Dad CARES" jokes shouldn't have worked…but they absolutely did.

The best instance, of course, is the time that Roger refers Stan to a doctor. Standing outside the office, Roger turns to Stan and says "Let's just pray that, for once, this guy doesn't turn out to be me."

"Did you get any of the chips? They're Sun Fresh Chips. They're healthy for you, healthier than regular chips! [Looks at nutrition info on bag] WHOA. No, they are not."

He was great once.

They went a little too heavy on Principal Brian for a while, and I was worried they'd ruin the character. He's great, but a little goes a long way with him.

The punchline to Roger and the cat food may be the hardest I've ever laughed at the show. They set up an absurdity that reads as a non sequitur gag, you forget about it, then a few minutes later…


Romano busted Grimes smoking a doober outside County!…right before that helicopter fell on him.


The article neglects to mention the most important thing that shaped American Dad - the unexpected renewal of post-cancellation Family Guy. That came just a few months after Fox ordered the AD pilot, which got MacFarlane away from the day-to-day production. Clearly intended to be a direct continuation of FG's

"We don't work blue! That's lazy man's comedy!"
"Heh…maybe we're workin' too hard."

"Lying is wrong! I'd know that if only I'd paid attention to anything that's ever happened to me before."