
Do you really need a full-length doc to tell the story? It was a good game built around rock solid mechanics, the player's ability to chain together simple controls into complex combos, and the smart use of the expanded space of the CD-ROM format to add in catchy licensed music. They made two great sequels, then the

You mean to tell me the best of our cultural best, things like the extremely short lived Saturday morning cartoon C-Bear and Jamal, aren't making it beyond our borders? No wonder America is viewed so dimly by the international community.

Snakes are not dangerous to you.
There are no snakes at the bottom of your bed.

Del Taco hamburger is going to win this thing.

The restructuring of rules was a travesty all around. First Susser once again inserts himself into the proceedings to unfairly handicap a contestant for specious reasons, then Mitch arbitrarily decides that a non-chicken item should count in final judgement? This is not the objective and impartial fast food chicken

They were dealing with the one-two punch of the shift from traditional animation to computer generated stuff, and seeing the box office success of Shrek as the entertainment press lauded it for being everything Disney traditionally wasn't. Both of these things saw them trying to move outside the comfort zones as a

How did you miss out on C-Bear and Jamal? It garnered some zeitgeisty attention at the time ("A cartoon aimed at…African-American children?!" [monocle falls out of stuffy aristocrat's eye])

I remember renting Krippendorf's Tribe with my grandparents; The only other thing I remember about the film is that the phrase "neolithic dildo" got the biggest and only real laugh out of my grandfather throughout the whole thing.

I think he did it on purpose, so that the constant clunk-clunk of the mic moving around would be more annoying than the way he ended every sentence by straining his voice to the breaking point.

Wait, she does improv? How soon until she starts doing the LA Improv podcast circuit?

I would agree with you if it didn't work so well as a running background gag - Bob's passive acceptance that it was happening and he was powerless to stop it, the way that Gene and Louise kept it going even as they got entangled in the A story. If it were brought to the forefront I don't know what else they could've

A great stretch for Disney Animation: Atlantis, Treasure Planet, Brother Bear, Home on the Range, Chicken Little, Meet the Robinsons…you could populate an entire subsection of Disney World with the characters from that era ("Island of Misfit Mascots").

Disney please contact me if you have any interest in my script Asshole Dad - not to give away the ending, but we can kill two birds with one stone here! (Which is to say, I am open to having all the characters be birds.)

The disguise was great and the running gag about how effectively it worked was even better (Perhaps leaning in to the limited detail thing?)

Bob being super into Bernadette's talk was a great little character moment.

I guess you can call ANYTHING a Courtyard these days.

If Reloaded started 30-45 minutes later, and got rid of that completely un-erotic sex scene, would anybody be bothered? The movie's greatest flaw is its insistence in establishing things that the audience is ready to accept.

Oh, I hear it all the time, forever. The good Sega games managed to make that garbage FM Synth chip sing (The other games were simply satisfied with their robot fart SFX.)

I don't know if I really hated Revolutions, or if I just got annoyed with all the cuts back to the not-at-all-tense "THE MACHINES ARE ABOUT TO BREACH ZION" crap. I haven't watched it since the theater, though.

TV helps us learn!