
I mean, I'd watch it.

Do people actually enjoy Zach Snyder's films? Always confused me, genuinely.

What kind of people do you think run for US Congress at 30? Humble locals trying to save the town rec center?

Like Ed Schultz on RT.

It's so bizarre watching the right wingers go on about Obama back then. They really lost it. How angry can you get about someone you perceive to not be doing anything? Really fucking angry apparently. RIP Mr. Colmes.

I thought it improved a lot in the second half, but found everything in the first oddly flat.

I fucking adore this column. It's my favorite thing on the internet.

This is one of the first pop singers in awhile that I genuinely love. Not even sure why he so stands out.

Great choice. I loved that album.

Hopefully this will be better than Ridley Scott's "Robin Hood created the Magna Carta" abomination.

Man… I'm surprised this was rated so high. I've been marveling at how terrible a movie with this cast can be.

HA! I just realized they are totally going to make the exhaust port a flaw that was purposefully built into the Death Star by Saarsgard's character. Plot hole closed motherfuckers!

All female Ocean's Eight!!!

I dunno? Are Vienna sausages actually from Vienna?

Member Jurassic Park?
Yeah! I member!

It was a flawless piece of cinema.

Will bullets work in this one? Or will they still bounce off the dinosaurs?

Yeah, well, in their imagined future a wife's online shopping purchases would require approval from her husband, so not sure how far we've actually fallen.

Just shut your mouth and wait for Tuesday night like the rest of us.

Could the ads for this show have been any worse?