
Poor Julia has family drama going on as well.

I think I would like Steph Curry a lot if he'd just take that damn mouthguard out of his mouth.

I thought that was called being born in Generation X.

Oh, sure, in terms of actual effects it could have on your body cocaine is probably worse. If things go wrong cocaine is more dangerous. But if things don't go "wrong" ie an overdose of some kind, the effect of cocaine is significantly more manageable and mild.

Cocaine is still less bad for you than drinking.

Lando was a space hustler who'd made it big. But he was still a space hustler.

Is Planet Hulk where he gets sent to a random planet with gladiator fights and he ends up ruling the whole thing? I think I watched that on Netflix, it was badass.

Amy… just go on vacation for a few weeks. Seriously, you'll feel better when you come back.

Lin Manuel-Miranda did it

Was it equally as stupid?

"What is being done with Trump" the man can't go three seconds without saying something ridiculously stupid. No one's doing anything to him. Try again in four years with someone who doesn't exemplify every horrible trait ever imagined.

I was referring to the broader cultural phenomenon which seems divorced from background or political ideology. Some people are just constantly freaking out nowadays and it annoys me. Life's too short. Get a hobby.

People keep telling me I live in a dystopia, but I feel like if all the people saying that disappeared tomorrow, we'd be living in a utopia.

Man, the Prime Minister of Croatia does look an awful lot like that model!


Ha, she's fantastic.

They ever figure out the shooting fireballs thing?

Merriweather Post Pavillion is great.

Not what I was saying, but having now watched the show yup it would be super weird not to talk about it's focus on the black experience.

Well, that's a shame, but I guess anything that makes light of human trafficking is probably best avoided.