
My biggest problem with the name is it is stupid. Racism is entirely secondary. They are literally named after a group sharing a skin color.

I always think Carol written out is actually Carl. Mainly because in my head it's pronounced *loud whisper* Car-ol!

Ha fair enough.

The hate comes from the fact that it is enjoyable. It is both very enjoyable and frustratingly stupid at the same time. The problem is that the stupidity drives the action. If they just did the smart move it would be a boring show and people would hate it and not watch it. Zombies are stopped by the smallest of

Yes, the vast mountainous backwoods of suburban DC lol.

Are you denying that art that is considered black or feminine is sold to a smaller audience? Because it most certainly is.

You know what would be awesome? If the writers and producers of this show had some kind of creative vision that extended beyond walking around the woods of Georgia falling for comically obvious traps.

Were the second set of photos supposed to be weird or something? They didn't seem particularly noteworthy, I could see either being in a magazine.

The election will be over soon, drink more.

Look, I'm not saying don't mention he's black, that's ridiculous. Just like, you know, aim for the sweet spot here.

I would say this review is like talking about Batman and only talking about the moral conflict between his vigilantism and ethical elitism.

This will sound like severe concern trolling but w/e. The Ghostbusters effect is a real thing. It's unfair for reviewers to make the identity of the actors the main focus of their coverage. It makes it political and I don't think that's at all helpful to the creators of the show, or if you want to see Hollywood

I got to see the first episode of the first season and LOVED it. Then they wanted me to buy Starz… But hope to watch it online soon.

Please don't load this show up so much with it's context. I'm sure it's very good and I'm quite interested in seeing it, but making it part of some larger cultural narrative just takes people out of it. How is the show itself, is it a fun show, is it well written? I feel like I got very little out of this except that

Well I wouldn't be surprised if the other worlds made an appearance in the future.

Why? That there are issues in actual need of attention doesn't make the people who write furious twitter screeds against random people on the internet for violating PC codes any less ridiculous. I'm no alt-right dude by any means, but SJWs are most certainly a thing. You can't exist on the internet for long without

Yeah, let's not pretend like abuse in the context of a messy divorce could mean a lot of stuff at the moment.

"For me, this undoes any good will from the endless women in film panels, strides towards equity in programming and stated commitments to representation."

I just kind of object to the whole commercialization aspect. They saw OJ and wanted to do JonBenet. They don't care about the little girl they just thought they'd get good ratings to dredge this whole thing up. At least the OJ trial was like an important cultural/racial event. This was just murder porn.

Dude… Jennie was doing heroin in some random guy's hotel room. She was stripping in some small town and miserable. Jennie wasn't just some wild-child she was deeply damaged as a person. This wasn't like the teenager having sex and getting killed first in a horror movie, she lived a destructive and listless life for a