
They usually get some weird choices to do the show. Just to add some variety. Martha Stewart did Snoop Dogg, I think?

The Big Bang Theory is your substitute for Seinfeld? Go fuck yourself.

They should have just had the balls to call it Minority Report like Wilmore wanted and embrace what the show actually was. It was not a replacement for the Colbert Report, it was a black space in late night.

I always thought this was an amazing idea and the perfect way to keep the joke from the first two Jump Street movies going. Hope Jonah Hill is wrong, but I could see the MiB people being protective of the franchise as well.

There is a cultural shift underway in this country. Starting with the Civil Rights movement, the 1965 INA, the move towards college, the acceptance of gays and lesbians, etc. The Daily Show and Fox News are merely examples of this, not the cause, in my opinion.

I went and really wanted to enjoy it. The problem IMO was the budget. It was a decently funny movie for about half of it, then it just turned into CGI action nonsense.

Wasn't it like a $110 million budget? That's not a great return by Hollywood standards. Still you're definitely right about no doors closing.

It was, it was genius marketing. I feel so used…

What a waste of good outrage that whole thing was. The new Ghostbusters was so vanilla, unoffensive and mildly amusing. Why did I read so many stupid articles about it? Why did I go see it on opening weekend? Damn you movie studio for playing our culture into caring about your crappy reboot!

I was extremely uncomfortable for most of that episode, I hate that kind of comedy when done to excess. Still, Gamby kind of finding his footing and restoring his personal power, however momentarily, was satisfying. This show is more obsessed with power than Game of Thrones I swear.

It's the tonal difference. Taking lives means nothing to Drake. He just kills and kills and kills and kills, then offers some light quip to his friend. If the game had a darker tone, killing armies of mercenaries wouldn't feel so sociopathic. Also the linear nature of the games means you are very often just killing

"a seemingly endless supply of nameless mercenaries" if only the Uncharted games didn't contain this I might enjoy them more. Genocide, the game!

This is such a funny show.

OK, just got back. The movie I think deserves a B-/C+ not sure yet. It made me laugh but was almost entirely forgettable.

The divisions of the states themselves, regional shared culture and politics. Popular incumbents in some places, or powerful ones.

Gerrymandering. It's just not entirely responsible for 90% of districts being largely uncontested.

This is one of the best bands to see live. I highly recommend it if you ever get the chance. So weird and fun.

Don't confuse 10% of districts being contested with only 10% of districts being contested because of gerrymandering. Not saying it's not a problem that's just a massive overstatement of that problem.

You remember when the Daily Show was practically an institution and Jon Stewart led a show capable of speaking with authority, empathy and humor on subjects of national importance? That was nice while it lasted. I like Sam Bee and Oliver, the others are drek though. And Sam Bee is a little too fiery for my blood and

I believe that is his "appeal"