

It's so similar to 2000, kind of freaks me out.

I'm operating from the assumption that pretty much no one is capable of reviewing it honestly, no personal attack on the reviewer meant.

And yet, somewhere there is a Sony executive rubbing their hands in glee at the turmoil they have wrought. And being watched through their laptop web cam by North Korean spies.

look at this shit - I even have to say stuff like that, as if this is some fucking political movement

Yeah. Exactly. Not saying anything different. I would expect any decent human being who is conscious of the conversation around this movie would give it a boost. We're all conscious of the politics, so I don't trust the review as much as I normally would.

Todd Vanderwerff maybe. Not the current iteration.

Don't get me wrong, I like everyone involved in this production and plan to see it. But I'm still going to take this review with a grain of salt. It's a little too tainted by politics.

Honestly, given the politics of this whole thing, is there any chance this could possibly get lower than a B? Who's going to be the guy who's like, "The misogynists were right!"

I loved this move. Then I found out she was fifteen years old. I may not be especially sexist, or racist, significantly below average on both I think; but damn do I hate young people.

Damn, it's a shame I no longer actively seek out tinnitus inducing music.

I love Galaxy Quest, so, so much.

I thought the first one was the stupidest God damn movie ever made.

Uh, yes it was. You are aware Lord of the Rings is a book that came out decades before Willow, right? It wasn't just a movie?

I was kind of hoping for this kind of outcome. I like big dumb movies when they are fun. I hope this can hit those marks. The thing though, about critics, I so often find the movies they love awful, but I rarely find the movies they hate good.

A young woman dating a man with no history of any kind of relationship violence, who has a prenup with an exception for physical assault, who has no physical evidence of violence until she shows up at court demanding $600,000 a year in alimony; must be championed by all or we're sexist.

Damnit! God damnit Zelda!

But aren't we talking about African American people here? We're not talking about aboriginal Australian Kenyan film making, we're talking about the African American films and stories. So I think it would be Black.

Black is a color, but in this instance it's an ethnic group. Would you spell the town in Kent sandwich?

Yes, but she was bruised in court. She showed up in court with a giant bruise on her face.