
Why is she being at all believed? Her timeline was shot from the get go. The cops who showed up said there was no evidence of abuse after Depp supposedly left. A picture from the next day shows her with no mark on her face. I get we don't want to question assault victims, but I mean, the Emperor has no clothes here,

The cops said there was no mark on her face when they were there, and she had a picture taken of her a day after she was allegedly hit with no mark on her face. It's a significantly less he said/she said type situation.

Why God? Why would you allow a second Now You See Me be created? Have we not pleased you?

The book was a little tedious in parts, but I actually enjoyed it a lot. The underlying premise was strong enough to sustain Cline's incredible nerdery. Then it became kind of meta to me, like he was inviting you into a mindset where extreme obsession was normal, you get clued into the extreme social isolation of all

How could anyone say the Executive Producer is a shill? Especially when he says stuff like this, "it has more laughs and more scares than the first 2 films plus Bill Murray is in it! As one of millions of man-fans and Ray Stantz, I’m paying to see that and bringing all my friends!"

Wow, that was one painfully positive review. I don't think I've ever reviewed something that positively.

When I hear Jesse Eisenberg, I think, "Jittery and smug." Not sure why anyone expected him to play that any differently, he just plays himself in everything.

So I wanted to play this, but between the two other expansions, and the fact that I thought you had to choose perks linearly (going down the tree, instead of jumping around) my first go through, I ended up just starting over. There is so much new good stuff! Or maybe it was all just so poorly explained the first time

Hopefully to find someone capable of putting a structure on stilts or of building 6 foot concrete walls: two structures that would completely remove the zombie threat.

There's one crucial difference: none of the decisions from any of the characters on the Walking Dead ever make a lick of GD sense.

I don't get why Sam would ever think that would go well.

It's a kind of railing that divides the bar from the dance floor that causes people to come closer together as they pass through it. The idea being to encourage them to dance.

I gave up at the Minotaur demon, I figured out it involved running past him and up some stairs, then getting him stuck in a loop. But that's what I'm complaining about. I hate boss fights where the "trick" is quite literally something that seems like a bug.

I feel like the 2008 financial crisis is now in that creative deadzone where people don't care about it as much as they used to but they still care enough to not create art with real perspective. The subject is both ignored enough to be boring and obsessed over enough to be overly politically pointed when covered.

In a one-sided way, Assassin's Creed has good weapons mechanics, your weapons have a real effect, your character is impossible to hurt though, pretty much.

The number of hard modes where beating it requires you taking advantage of a bug is huge.

And frankly, I'm just waiting for the game that doesn't equate hard with "Must hit enemy an unrealistic number of times." You're swinging swords in these games, not a whiffle bat, they should cut. I always think of that Turok reboot where the hard mode just meant you had to fire 25 rpgs at an unprotected T-Rex's head

I hate everything about Dark Souls, because it taught me I suck at videogames at a fundamental level and I was only ever fooling myself into thinking I had even a modicum of skill.

Yeah, but then you have to experience the election.

Damn you Nathan Fielder! How many lives will you ruin!?