
Someone should make a 2016 election beer with 16% alcohol. Then it would at least be bearable.

A truly ridiculous number of matches ended in schoolboys. It's a weak move!

When is Nathan for You coming back? Damnit I love that show.

Yeah should be good.

Witchcraft and magic will always appeal to teenagers, because they have a sense of their own abilities but are held back by the restrictions of society. You know, "I'm smart/handsome/athletic and soon I'll run this bitch!" but first you need to get grounded for drinking a beer. You don't need to look to the "cool teen

I can't wait to watch Clusterfuck 2 on a cross-country flight in a couple of years!

This movie was a great reminder that everyone, white or black, man or woman, chooses to ignore the experience of people who don't come from privileged backgrounds.

You don't still kill an insane number of human beings, do you? I could never get past that in the game, every dungeon had you gunning down hundreds of people.

How many of these movies can they make? Just come up with a different name!

95%, unless they get an out like the skin color of the black actress chosen not being the correct shade of black, then 0%. Chance of twitter protest surrounding the decision, 65%

Classic Hollywood, gotta capitalize on "Tubman mania" after all.

Still, it would be entirely without taste to criticize his performance.

From what I understand the issue wasn't so much that they were similar, it was that Spirit toured with Led Zeppelin before Stairway was written, and they heard them play Taurus all the time. There was a demonstrated timeline of hearing, then stealing the song, that was quite linear.

What's the White House supposed to do? Publicly shame the comedian they recruited? Is ANYONE saying that that routine was actually funny? The debate seems to be "He spoke truth to power" vs "he was an unfunny self-righteous twit".

I did think that was a little forced. It should have come from Mellisandre herself, not Davos.

Could be, in the books he was kicked in the head by a horse. But when Bran inhabits his body he feels an intelligence, or at least an awareness, that he didn't expect. Still, he is quite simple, which is why Bran is able to inhabit his body so easily.

I think the Kingsmoot is clearly just laying the groundwork for them sailing to Mereen. I think Euron will win, but he'll send Yara instead of Victarion. Why else would they have the ships burning in Mereen?

Man, I hate so many movies made in the Easy Rider indy style. I find half the critically acclaimed movies from the 70's downright unwatchable.

Skelethon and None Shall Pass are both really good, imo. Neither of which dwell on relationships.

Flash that buttery gold, jittery zeitgeist
Wither by the watering hole, Border patrol
What are we to Heart Huckabee
Art fuckery suddenly
Not enough young in his lung for the water wings
Colorfully vulgar poacher, out of mulch
Like I'm a pull the pulse out a soldier and bolt
Fine, sign of the time we elapse
When a primate