
I've decided dark superhero stories are my least favorite superhero stories. Let's all talk really serious for hours and hours, everything is so grim, grr…

Again, big open space requires cgi. A wooded area allows them to put up a few huts between the trees and basically obscure the size of the settlement.

What is? Divying up artistic grants based on the artists sex? Transphobic much?

Don't forget how Cochran accuses the cops of having confirmation bias, that they made the evidence show the case they wanted to make, when he himself does exactly that in his knee-jerk defense of OJ.

People make CDs still?

I have high hopes for this DLC, I felt like they rushed Fallout IV for some reason. The plot options at the end were super simple, and the settlement building had no big payoff of any kind. Hope they managed to build on their solid foundation a little more.

Well, Isis is a mighty goddess, she can plan whatever she wants. Unless Set has his way.

Immediately after the Paris attack, and after reading some of the biographies of this guy afterwards, I remember thinking (among many other things), "Fuck ISIS for making me have to pay attention to everything this guy does over the next couple of years." And lo my prophecy of mild annoyance was fulfilled.

I think we need a new one for sure. Spectre was such a ridiculous movie, it would have been served better by a Bond who wasn't so serious. Is it wrong I wanted some one-liners thrown in?

Fuck you for suggesting I watch this crap. SNL is still terrible. Same as it ever was. Same as it ever was. Same as it ever was!

Got dang another miniseries!

Oh, I was thinking of the song Play. C'mon DJ play my song, play it for me all night long, just turn it up turn it on. All these f-ing songs are identical.

$12 a g is a price increase? Spoiled much? But seriously glad to hear you live in a time where you can at least treat your problems legally.

It was less than one second, between one and zero.

Hey Mr. DJ, turn the music up, I want to dance with my baybay.

So they both forfeited in between one and zero? Why forfeit when they could just wait until zero, then not take the money? They could have won the bet and not live in the suburbs, the bet wasn't that they live there all year.

It was confusing, that's all I'm saying.

That's why I quit smoking everything. Got pneumonia while I was smoking pot and cigarettes and had trouble breathing for weeks. Then i realized, hey, how about not making this harder on yourself. People act like you mature out of bad habits, I think it's more accurate that you just recognize how they affect you more

I didn't like this one very much at all. The dog dying of starvation was meh level dark comedy. Also, didn't they win the bet at the end? They're in the house, the gang counts down to one, then they're in the bed. Who did Frank make the check out to, their landlord? Why would their rejecting the check mean they sleep

Wasn't the spy just the guy with the robotic eye? I didn't think he was supposed to be a secret.